documents in the last year, 1401 This AD, defines a propeller strike as follows: (i) For the purposes of this AD, a propeller strike is defined as follows: (1) Any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor blade dressing. Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:02 pm. A prop-strike also imposes terrific jamming forces backward on the rear of the case-where the gearing is located and easily damaged. Besides the engine, some other areas that might suffer damage from a prop strike are the magneto drive shafts or the TCM starter drive adapters. Copies may be obtained from Teledyne Continental Motors, PO Box 90, Mobile, AL 36601; telephone toll free 1-888-200-7565, or on the TCM internet site For more than three decades, customers have trusted their airplanes to Triad Aviation, Inc. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. Prop strike on Continental. Lycoming also has a short, two-page separate, specific prop-strike bulletin, SB. ", Airworthiness Directive 2004-10-14 is applicable to Lycoming engines that experienced a prop strike. Inspect all engine driven accessories in accordance with the manufacturers maintenance instructions. Its also important to point out that this is not the only Lycoming bulletinthat discusses prop strikes. It defines a sudden engine stoppage as; stopping an engine in one revolution or less for any reason, be it from propeller impact or from an engine failure of some sort. ", Case in point The deffination of a prop strike is different on Lycomings than Continentals, Lycoming says any time a prop strikes any thing that will cause a loss of RPM it is a prop strike. Disregard the letter R.. include documents scheduled for later issues, at the request Re: O-360 propeller indexing (noticeable slight vibration) Lycoming O-360 A-1As (and every other O-360 Ive met) propellers should be indexed such that the propeller stops at the 10 and 4 o'clock position (viewed from the front facing aft) when the engine shuts down. Moreover, the crank is not the only critical element in a prop-strike incident. We can even see situations where a prop sustains a fairly nasty nick in a gravel strip, but no rpm loss occurs or serious blade damage occurs. These counterweights move on relatively soft bushings. documents in the last year, 480 The decision was made for me by an advertisement in Trade-A-Plane. In fact, the customers were sold their own crank. Prop strike. These two words are guaranteed to make any pilot wince. The accident was recorded on video and available on the Internet. Hopefully, your insurance will soften the financial blow, and the factory bulletins should certainly be used as rationale for the need to do the tear-down. on NARA's #1. Incidentally, I opted to overhaul the engine instead of just doing an inspection. TCM is less equivocal. A Rule by the Federal Aviation Administration on 11/27/2000. Even with a small engine that is generating say, 150 horsepower; if that power just suddenly stops, the torque from the engine has to be dissipated somewhere. After defining a prop strike, TCM's SB 96-11A states: "A. Propeller strike inspections. Following any propeller strike complete disassembly and inspection of all rotating engine components is mandatory and must be accomplished prior to further operation. Inspect all engine accessories in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions." Sure, some of these arguments are specious, but the point is, there's a lot of gray area, and this can cause many incidents to be ignored. I alluded to the potential of buying an airplane that suffered a prop strike without the required inspections being completed. for the aircraft owner. documents in the last year, 28 (b) After the effective date of this AD, do not install a crankshaft with a SN that is Start Printed Page 70656listed in MSB 00-5C, dated October 10, 2000, unless core samples have been taken and TCM has approved it for return to service. Second, any time foreign object damage requires propeller removal for repairs other than the minor dressing of the blades as mentioned above, the incident is considered a propeller strike and must be inspected as outlined in SB 96-11B. documents in the last year, by the Transportation Security Administration There may be other additional requirements mandated by insurance policies or engine manufacturer and/or overhauler warranty. legal research should verify their results against an official edition of Dialing in the flange is worthless for this. Are the minimum legal requirements being met? Other Lycoming literature mentions the importance to check the accessories as does TCM. Start dateSep 28, 2016. The following was overheard recently at a maintenance facility after a very irritable looking pilot walked in with a look of embarrassment on his face. Since that time, the FAA has obtained information regarding 13 crankshaft failures. My investigation started with my need for another engine for my Cessna 210. TCM-powered aircraft operating under Part 135 of the FARs that have to comply with all manufacturers service bulletins would have to comply with Service Bulletin 96-11B, dealing with prop strikes, dated July 2008, requiring total documents in the last year, 90 In our response to readers we quote the latest manufacturer directives and FAA guidance, and add our perspectives and experience to hopefully help the owner feel his or her ultimate decision is the right and legal one. This feature is not available for this document. There was no sudden stoppage involved, but because of the wording in a related Lycoming AD note, the crankshaft gear in the back had to be checked and this required substantial disassembly of the engine. Or it could be an engine with illegal performance enhancements for a certified engine such as shaved decks to increase compression. A propeller strike is dangerous, not only because it damages the propeller but also because it can It has been determined further that this action involves an emergency regulation under DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979). A propeller strike, no matter how minor the incident, should not be ignored. Even if theres no visible damage to the propeller, there may be hidden internal damage to the propeller, governor, crankshaft, and other components that can cause engine failure later in the engines life, if not immediately. by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in the separation of the propeller/rotor blade from the hub, the loss of a propeller/rotor blade tip or sudden stoppage following accidental propeller/rotor damage (such as propeller/rotor strike). (f) This amendment becomes effective on December 12, 2000. PROP STRIKE. Since a situation exists that requires the immediate adoption of this regulation, it is found that notice and opportunity for prior public comment hereon are impracticable, and that good cause exists for making this amendment effective in less than 30 days. All rights reserved. A tear down of most direct drive engines isnt a major repair but we recommend using a certified repair station or the factory for that action as well as the level of NDT testing will be significant and required to be done by certified people for such critical NDT inspections. FIND A DEALER. documents in the last year, 830 Below are three important links from the FAA, Lycoming, and Teledyne Continental regarding the definition of a Prop Strike and sudden stoppage. Both Lycoming and Continental have very specific requirements for disassembly and inspection. 2023 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Better Together: Industry Resources Help Improve Aviation Safety. It is important to note that mandatory compliance with this AD is required as indicated before further flight if the engine has experienced a propeller strike as defined above, but per the compliance section of the AD it does not require compliance in the event of a sudden engine stoppage with no prop damage such as hitting tall grass. The $8,500 differential is not insignificant. At what point after a prop strike do you need an engine teardown and inspection? Conversely, you could have a time bomb engine with a prop strike in, say, a hard snow bank, where no damage occurs to the prop but the engine is stopped in less than one rpm (FAA definition), or even simply looses rpm (manufacturer definition), and the owner elects to do nothing (other than sell the plane). The pins are more than adequate for running loads, but they are totally inadequate when you subject them to sudden stoppage. A propeller strike is: (1) any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades as set forth in Part 1, B of this Service Bulletin or (2) any incident while the engine is operating in which the propeller makes contact with any object that results in a loss of engine RPM. Since an unsafe condition has been identified that is likely to exist or develop on other engines of this same type design, this airworthiness directive (AD) requires removing a core sample of material from the propeller mounting flange and sending the core sample to TCM for evaluation. The actions specified by this AD are intended to prevent fracture of the crankshaft connecting rod journal, which could result in total engine power loss, in-flight engine failure and possible forced landing. continental prop strike ad. The manufacturer directives are more specific as well as more restrictive in that any rpm loss on a prop strike is sufficient for the engine makers to call for an engine tear-down inspection. A special note to experimental aircraft builders or someone looking for an engine upgrade: Beware of that great deal on an engine with a less than stellar or unknown history. documents in the last year, by the Fish and Wildlife Service 01/17/2023, 249 "It" 2023 Aviation Publishing Group. Service bulletins are one thing, but the real information comes from the people working in the field. That AD requires removing a core sample of material from the propeller mounting flange and sending the core sample to TCM for evaluation. 01/17/2023, 202 Now that I had a definition, what would I have to do about such an event? It is Service Bulletin 96-11A, and this is the pertinent section: "Part 1Propeller strike incidents. The engine for sale was the model I needed, with about 1,000 hours since a factory overhaul. But what is a prop strike and what exactly are the ramifications? So, when it comes time for that prop strike/sudden. Service Bulletin 533A has the pertinent Lycoming prop-strike definitions for all Lycoming direct drive engines. Years ago, everyone would have filed off the other blades and not thought twice about it, but today, this engine disassembly requirement and prop inspection and repair ended up costing the owner around $5,000. The minor propeller repair must be accomplished in accordance with the propeller manufacturers published instructions (if it exists) for the minor damage preferentially over more general AC 43.13-1B with the exceptions we noted earlier). Lycoming makes the point that an overstressed crankshaft gear dowel pin can ultimately shear, causing all power to be lost. However, they have the caveat that the inspecting mechanic may override that position and return the engine to service without disassembly and inspection if he or she feels that it is the prudent and responsible thing to do. If you need someone to remove and reinstall the engine, that's another $1,800. [FR Doc. documents in the last year, 117 Removing and reinstalling a propeller take just a few hours, and the prop shops don't care who brings the job through the door. The request should include an assessment of the effect of the modification, alteration, or repair on the unsafe condition addressed by this AD; and, if the unsafe condition has not been eliminated, the request should include specific proposed actions to address it. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Propeller inspections are fairly clear cut damage on the blades is typically quite apparent, and the existence of damage beyond field repair limits dictates that the unit is disassembled and given a searching internal inspection, and in some cases, complete overhaul. It pretty much echoes the TCM service bulletin but adds two other situations. You can find the Service Bulletins for Continental Aerospace Technologies Type Certificated Gasoline Engines below. daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial Incidentally, the airplane's original equipment list showing the serial numbers of everything on the plane when it was built is available from the manufacturer. the most are "prop strike." headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. documents in the last year, 876 The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable documents in the last year, 946 My investigation started with my need for another engine for my Cessna 210. Prop strike on Continental. These are the requirements as we see them. Federal Register. I won't list them all here, but some of the more expensive ones are: hydraulic valve lifters, connecting rod bearings, the crankshaft's main and thrust bearings, all needle, ball, and roller bearings, exhaust valves, valve springs, piston pins, pistons, crankcase through bolts, all the hardware, seals, gaskets, O-rings, and lots of other small stuff. Still others will only pay for the labor to do the job and will not pay for any parts. If you've attended AirVenture or any of the other major airshows, you've heard it. DeJoris explains, "Take for example the prop governor drive the rotating mass in the prop governor, mainly the flyweight assembly can really be problem if suddenly stopped. 106(g), 40113, 44701. 533 called "Recommendations Regarding Accidental Engine Stoppage, Propeller/Rotor Strike or Loss of Propeller/Rotor Blade or Tip.". karen rietz baldwin; hidden valley high Basically the fuel gauges in the center console are shorting out. There are other things that have to be checked, including the magnetos, propeller governor, and fuel system. on provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. (2) Any incident during engine operation in which the propeller impacts a solid object that causes a On Lycoming engines, which are not nitrided, the flange can be bent. Following any propeller strike, complete disassembly and inspection of all rotating engine components is mandatory and must be accomplished prior to However the dates that the engines and crankshafts were delivered may not coincide with their dates of manufacture. Factory New & Factory Rebuilt Gasoline Engines +1.251.436.8101 08:00 - 17:00 Gasoline Engine Overhauls & MRO +1.251.990.5080 08:00 - 17:00 Technical Support (AvGas & TCM's SB 97-6 specifies the mandatory items that must be replaced when the engine is torn down. According to DeJoris, "Hartzell requires hub replacement if any blade in the assembly is bent beyond repair limits due to impact damage. All rights reserved. However, they have the caveat that the inspecting mechanic may override that position and return the engine to service without disassembly and inspection if he feels that it is the prudent and responsible thing to do. Contact TCM to obtain additional rotobroach bits. The energy typically finds paths throughout the engine and through the accessories and even to the engine mounts themselves. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, Fora Area Brasileira FAB Comando da Aeronutica (Brazilian Air Force), Establishing the President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata. For engines that have been modified, altered, or repaired so that the performance of the requirements of this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request approval for an alternative method of compliance in accordance with paragraph (d) of this AD. Off the record, most of the shop owners said they find evidence of internal damage in only about 10 to 20 percent of the engines they've torn down. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. Never allow an insurance adjuster to dictate the inspection requirements after an incident. Accordingly, the FAA has not consulted with state authorities prior to publication of this proposed rule. After defining a prop strike, TCM's SB 96-11A states: "A. In short, all accessories become suspect to damage under either a prop strike or sudden stoppage incident. Jerry Robinette, Senior Engineer, Propulsion, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, Small Airplane Directorate, One Crown Center, 1895 Phoenix Blvd., Suite 450, Atlanta, GA 30349; telephone: (770) 703-6096, fax: (770) 703-6097. 12866. Sticking with a certified repair facility possessing all the skills and tools will probably reduce the extra shipping costs and time involved to get individual parts examined seems most efficient to us. SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) that supersedes an existing AD, for Lycoming Engines (formerly Textron Lycoming), direct-drive electronic version on GPOs More than the prop and crankshaft Thread starterkevmor99. This is not restricted to propeller strikes againstthe ground. To prevent crankshaft connecting rod journal fracture, which could result in total engine power loss, in-flight engine failure and possible forced landing, do the following: TCM supplies an instructional video in the tool kit for MSB 00-5C. Others will pay for all costs for the inspection and for any parts needed due to the incident. Definition of Propeller Strike (i) For the purposes of this AD, a propeller strike is defined as follows: (1) Any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades. No more filing blades a bit shorter after a tip strike, or performing a run-up and signing off on an engine after the runway lights have been mowed a bit shorter. What other services or inspections are being performed at the same time as the inspection? Either may require additional inspection but neither may negate the inspections required by the FARs. What looks like light damage may sometimes result in something broken or highly stressed inside, while a major collision shows nothing wrong after it's been torn down." Everyone was happy and the prices were right. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document Replace the rotobroach after the sixth core sample, or before if the rotobroach does not cut with the maximum torque applied. (3) A sudden RPM drop while impacting water, tall grass, or similar yielding medium, where propeller damage is not normally incurred. A common example is the permold Continental IO-520 or 550 series engines. On the record, owners said that if someone came into their shop and said he or she had an aircraft with a prop strike, they would follow the procedures outlined above to the letter. Recently, a transient aircraft hit a rubber traffic cone with the prop and kept going, taking off and disappearing into the western sky. The simple physics of a prop strike, in our opinion, makes a compelling case for an internal engine inspection with visual and thorough NDT techniques. Got a nick on your prop? Lycoming's Service Bulletin 475B requires that in the event that the engine has experienced a propeller strike, inspection and possible rework of the accessory gear train as well as the rear of the engine's crankshaft is required. A prop strike can happen to anyone at anytime, but fortunately, few involve injury. They are often ignored in the prop-strike evaluation, yet they have prescribed inspection criteria even if involved in only a sudden stoppage. This damage can result in catastrophic engine failure. And anyway, who needs NOTAMs? Posted at 11:12h in don franklin oil change somerset ky by royal stoppage inspection, we are your source for engine Just a few short months ago, Textron Lycoming's Service Letter L-163C recommended taking the engine apart for inspection following any incident involving propeller blade damage. ", In addition to regulatory changes and manufacturer recommendations, insurance companies are also playing a major role in determining what you do to your engine and prop. AOPA Members DO more LEARN more SAVE more - Get MORE out of being a pilot -. More information and documentation can be found in our for better understanding how a document is structured but Not every prop strike results in sudden stoppage, but it doesn't take much to damage some of these accessories. Before I got to that, as you'd expect from a group of pilots and mechanics, arguments in my owner's group raged about the wording. There can be some major damage to mag drives, alternator drives, superchargers, gear boxes, pump drives, governor drives, etc. (iii) Maintain a record of each core sample obtained with each rotobroach bit used. You could identify its sound with your eyes closed. Always rely on the FAA certified inspecting technician, applicable service data and the FARs to dictate how thorough an inspection is necessary to continue the engine in service. Airmark Overhaul, Inc. 6001 NW 29th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. A report that summarizes each FAA-public contact concerned with the substance of this AD will be filed in the Rules Docket. The bulletin reads as follows: Unfortunately, it may be the next owner who discovers any hidden damage. documents in the last year, by the Federal Communications Commission better and aid in comparing the online edition to the print edition. Compliance with this service bulletin is mandatory per AD 91-14-22. The AD specifies the inspection at each engine overhaul, after a propeller strike, sudden stoppage, or whenever gear train repair is required. Lycoming's new SB seems to generalize the term propeller strike and sudden stoppage to be quite inclusive. corresponding official PDF file on The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows: Authority: documents in the last year, 16 We dont have such trust unless we know a whole lot about who we are dealing with and have all the proper logs and background checks-especially in the Internet age there is no excuse to not do a lot of digging on who and what you are dealing with. regulatory information on with the objective of Any incident while the engine is operating in which the propeller makes contact with any object that results in a loss of engine RPM, such as propeller strikes against the ground or any object can cause engine and component damage even though the propeller may continue to rotate. Even tip damage is considered cause for teardown Do we think the engine makers are overly eager to have you tear down or dig into your engine? Type of operator/engine makes a difference After watching the video, with the airplane careening into a ditch amid a cloud of dirt and debris, I figured that the engine I just purchased fit these definitions. My group also argued about the propeller hitting grass and water. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WORLD'S PREMIER INDEPENDENT AVIATION NEWS RESOURCE. 533A, which is dated in 1999, five years earlier than AD 2004-10-14, and four years earlier than SB 475C. Basically anything that moves is subject to visual and other forms of nondestructive testing. They either read full or Steve Whitson, AOPA 593652, of Perris, California, has more than 3,000 hours and owns a 1977 Cessna 210. If it is determined that this emergency regulation otherwise would be significant under DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures, a final regulatory evaluation will be prepared and placed in the Rules Docket. 600-ft lb load on the crank gear on a sudden stop from 1000 engine rpm. Lycoming has reports of ground strikes, which have resulted in overstressed connecting rod bolts, that failed later. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. Do more LEARN more SAVE more - Get more out of being a pilot.! And water Pilots Association, Better Together: Industry Resources Help Improve Aviation Safety it much. Insurance adjuster to dictate the inspection other services or inspections are being performed at the same as! Negate the inspections required by the Federal Aviation Administration on 11/27/2000 a Rule by the Federal Aviation on... 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Carley Shimkus Baby, Articles C