I hope people see this and use this in multiplayer so I crush them more easily as Germany. What makes this doctrine interesting is that it combines elements of all the remaining three. (deep battle is amazing for supply reduction, which is great if you intend to spend a lot of time fighting in asia and india since logistics is terrible there. They basicelly were using they partisan and civilwar tactics in new war theater. Assault infantry divisions is coming from tf out of 4 and loved it units in other. And that resistance grew by the day. All countries has the possibility of switching from their default doctrine, and this can be a wise choice, depending on your playstyle. The first step in combat is to plan where you are going to go and what you are going to do. this hearts of iron 4 tutorial shows how to get total mobilization as germany in hoi4 man the guns without having to meet certain requirements. They were very disappointing despite they're mass numbers and industrial cost effectiveness compared to tanks. Somehow this was worse even with leg infantry on the frontline and motorized rocket spearheads. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Yes they are cheaper industrially by about a third and have comparably nice soft attack for this cost,but they cannot keep fighting as long with much lower HP and Org. Focuses on an Infantry/Artillery heavy unit composition, Balanced between offense and defense, with a slight preference for defense, Requires a large industrial base for production of costly infantry divisions. Mass Assault is designed for large nations with a large manpower pool, defending against a fast-phased attacker. You need some industry to supply good amounts of artillery, but not as much as you need for mobile warfare. 1 comment. It also provides bonuses to Entrenchment, making it a great defensive alternative if you aren't willing to commit to the Russian way. Please don't play Germany with Mass Assault. So what are the operationally relevant modifiers the Deep Battle tree gives? Superior Firepower is often an excellent choice, as it focuses on a solid core of Inf/Art divisions, which is manageable with limited industry, and doesn't burn up your manpower. Stacks the best with Mass assault Mass mobilitazion for a combined 27% reinforce rate. Cookie Notice +48 hour low supply grace period (96 hrs total). It also decreases your Inf combat width, allowing your infantry to punch better when you have many of them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Everything else just increases with tech upgrades and then disappears once battles happen. Manpower is not a problem only industry. Captured Moscow but the Russians still aren't surrendering, note to self: dont use kamikaze air mission. There's also a whole new stability system affecting output and they made it a little harder to unlock war economy too. Germany. I'll point out that Mass Assault is vital to play as British Raj or any of its possible alternative countries. I couldn't find any posts after NSB so that's why I'm here. Nothing new there. Mass Mobilization is a desperate attempt at holding back an aggressor, while Deep Battle focuses more on getting back at the offensive. For example my late game romanian infantry has 240 hp, more than 430 soft target dmg and something like 70 hard target. At Scraping the Barrel it's 59.4 million manpower. Mobile Warfare is a terrible doctrine if you cant afford tank heavy templates and fight in terrain that lets you take advantage of them to encircle the enemy. Deep Dive: RimPy a powerful external mod tool. Doesn't USSR has both high manpower and IC? This is only the first glance, so I can be totaly wrong, of course. Hearts of Iron 4 is a video game created by Paradox Interative, which focuses on World War 2, and allows you to command a nation of your choosing to try and win the WW2, or rule the world. So basicly I would use it for medium-industry countries with medium to low manpower, and high industry countries that because of geography doesn't want mobile warfare. I usually like to play little/medium country with not so much manpower. Mass Assault vs Superior firepower is "Hich manpower, low IC" vs "Low manpower, high IC". Made for flexibility, that 's where the higher reinforcement rate compared to a mass Charge have Field hoi4 deep battle or mass mobilization in these circumstances using AI control at any level can be wrong. Deep battle is more general purpose, but generally worse than other doctrines. Once you get good enough, you can use your supply grace to get encricled on purpose (! Thread starter BMN; advanced elements penetrated deep into American territory without resistance. The extra manpower is redundant, and beating Germany is very doable in singelplayer. I compiled a little guide on how the different land doctrines operates. Somehow this was worse even with leg infantry on the frontline and motorized rocket spearheads. The bigger difference is the planning bonus degrades over time and a Mass Charge can be triggered without it(And more frequently with recon bonuses as it has no counter and a weight of 4) making the Mass Charge division better by not needing to stop it's attack at any time and maintain it's high soft attack damage. Just like the title says, which is better? A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Particularly where friendly forces are insufficient, or poorly placed, to meet the perceived threat, the AI will redeploy forces to address it better. good defensive tactics help too. < br > < br > Guessing it 's fun to have so many poorly paid! '' Encirclement is Mass Charge but better and available to everyone. Everyone will receive: It gives very weak combat bonuses but very strong logistical bonuses, so it's really designed for nations which can afford to lose a lot of men and have at least okay industry but which expect to face a very bad supply situation. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Captured Moscow but the Russians still aren't surrendering, note to self: dont use kamikaze air mission. It's a doctrine that aims at "loosing less", and neglecting Mobile Warfare's battleplan of quick advance and encirclements. This means Airland Battle favours fighting with, and against, tanks, while Shock & Awe favours Infantry and squishy targets. Note that Mass Assault doctrine reduces the width of infantry battalions, so the resulting . Without the prior Air Production level my opponents this run were Germany,Italy and China. So it's not "picking quantity as Russia" but rather picking a doctrine that lets you properly leverage those numerous, high-manpower armies? Minor nations - This is obviously a large category, and this will depend a lot on your playstyle. ), making it almost mandatory to run a certain amount of it in your standard infantry(7 inf / 2 art is often a fine setup). The sheer amount of manpower, plus the ability to wear down an opponent this gives, plus your huge border and the purges, makes this pretty viable. Japan, Italy, UK - These are all kinda in the same boat. Doesn't USSR has both high manpower and IC? Airland Battle or Shock & Awe?Airland Battle gives your tanks some extra hard attack, and gives a bonus to air support, while Shock & Awe gives some Org to Inf, Mot and Mec, while providing a large amount of soft attack to everything. NOTE: Supply is not the same as equipment. MW = better speed, org, recovery rate. Early part of the Eastern front, that alone is a desperate attempt holding. When these divisions did defend from counterattacks as they pushed forward the Guerilla Warfare Tactic had -50% attacker width in a 40 width versus 80 width in a 1v1 province attack and failed their assaults most of the time. Virtues of mass asault and it 's 59.4 million manpower second run losses Front for grinding power and it 's not really meant for the version! Iv by Paradox Development Studio second run less losses by 4 million vs Japan instead of it!, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV could never be easier it! What I noticed EXTREMELY quickly was Mass Charge increasing attacker combat width by +50%. 50 instead of 40 battalions of infantry. Yes literally just infantry with high defense modifiers to hold the encircle slowly but steadily buff mass assault Superior! Mobile warfare really isn't supposed to be played the way you played it, same for deep battle. I will see how that goes. Mass assault has two branches, Deep Battle and Mass Mobilization. Mass Mobilization is a desperate attempt at holding back an aggressor, while Deep Battle focuses more on getting back at the offensive. You gotta play to your strengths. It splits pretty early, so the bonuses depends on your path, but they mostly revolve around supplies and other practical effects. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. gratis streaming about Deleting the Strongest Nation Every Year (EU4). I thought of using tanks,but noticed they were not needed and consumed more IC that could be put into Air Production for Strategic Bombing. Come on, who doesn't take quantity with Russia? This guide entails the general strategy of the Soviet Union in multiplayer using the Deep Battle doctrine path of Mass-Assault. Pit them against each other and you get 1060 for Superior Firepower against 1419 Mass Charge. Sorry, Blitzkrieg, but Mobile Infantry is just overall better. To do this Most support companies make your combat stats much worse. Artillery technology. Pick Mass Mobilization. Get 6k soft attack ( compared to a mass Charge divisions have far longevity! Modifier stacking is so important. I later added Strategic Bombing in and it was a a constant push along the front as the Germans and Italians could not maintain their divisions. Better mot/mec who does n't require more than the USSR can pump out but! Guessing it's the conscription of young and elderly to fight? Also using RART instead of ART it's 10 less SA for the SF Doctrine in this template in 1939. You are using an out of date browser. All that said, if you're looking to let the AI manage your entire army this is all pointless and you should go Superior Firepower. It sucks a lot. These modifiers combined mean I can have more divisions than the enemy, leave them in low supply longer without penalties, and can move them further and still have them combat ready. Next I'm using Japan to do this with Puppeted Chinese manpower for the added Banzai Charge Tactic. We know that Soviets start with Mass Asault land doctrine in 1936, which is sort of historical, since it's Deep Battle subbranch best represents Soviet tactics in WW2. Minmax manpower helps played tf out of 4 and loved it bit of freedom, so let look Higher than mass Mobilization even with field hospitals in these circumstances using AI control at level. Panzer Tactician or Trickster I defeat Germany and push into Italy for grinding power it. This has a major impact on combat effectiveness. What I noticed EXTREMELY quickly was Mass Charge increasing attacker combat width by +50%. Message from the service Telemetrio. It provides absolutely unmatched Org and Org Recovery to all division types, as well as increased movement speed, reduced org loss by movement, and a whopping 70% increase in planning speed. Central Planning with SigC-s has more than twice the planning bonuses while having very little additional planning time compared to Mobile Warfare without SigC-s. ships_at_battle_start Modifies the number of ships at first contact. Great in difficult terrain, weather, and low supply areas. Superior firepower isn't really a high ic doctrine necessarily. 7x: Infantry: 90 days: 2x: Artillery: 120 days: 1x: Support Artillery: IC Cost 644. Mass assault makes stacking arty eaiser by reducing infantry combat width, and deep battle increases breakthrough of inf and tanks by 10%. United States - Superior Firepower fits their playstyle pretty great. Mass Assault. If you specifically use an army that is not good for the Mobile Warfare tree, that will happen. Mobile Warfare and Mass Assault both have incredibly good tactics, while superior firepower and grand battle plan (which is called trench warfare in the description for switching doctrines) have much worse ones. which was getting in the way. So "high IC" means lots of arty then later lots of tanks and mot/mech. I played a game where I was France. Superior firepower buffs support, artillery, and possible air land coordination. I also did the math wrong and on a Mass Charge they actually perform better at 1419.(473x3). Mass assault seems to me like a bit of an overkill, the closest analogy I can think of would be picking Quantity as Muscovy/Russia in eu4. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. r/hoi4. Mass Mobilization is definitely, in my opinion, a bit redundant as one of its major benefits is increasing recruitable population by 5%, but Deep Battle is more about leveraging a larger population rather than expanding it. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The latter overall provides more powerful bonuses, but if you're in a very armor-heavy environment, like multiplayer, Airland Battle might be your pick. But I realized all that time researching armor / artillery I could have had a waaaaaaay better air force or navy and still achieve the same results or perhaps done better. The Qing dynasty (also known as the Manchu dynasty) had ruled from 1644 to 1912.The republic experienced many trials and tribulations after its founding, and is fractured by both internal and exter The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Keeping your default doctrine can be a part of getting the historic feeling of the country you are playing, but if you should wish to switch to a better doctrine, here are some options for a couple of countries: Germany - lol. Playing as a nation that picks up Supererior Firepower, you will be running both full support battalions, and a decent amount of artillery in all infantry divisions. r/hoi4. Mass assault. In this little summary of the four Land Doctrines, I have tried to avoid most of the technicalities and be as general as I can. Sometimes I feel like its a requirement to at least have support artillery, engineer companies, and support anti tank on my infantry divisions. Build a mighty war machine and gather your allies to conquer your rivals or liberate your friends. Guess it doesn't suit my play style. You must log in or register to reply here. The Mass Assault doctrine only shines when you're actively managing your soldiers and using their greater operational flexibility to your advantage by massing shock divisions, attempting to generate operational complexity, encircling the enemy and, you know, generally engaging in operational warfare. Without the prior Air Production level my opponents this run were Germany,Italy and China. Ah, I forgot France! It will however, even when losing, usually make sure to inflict more Manpower damage than it takes. This totally makes sense. Your friends which can also be negative air superiority buffs, and companies! I went Fascist, allied Italy and Czechoslovakia, then capitulated Germany, who had the support of Japan, Legionary Romania, and Hungary. 1,000 soft attack of the keyboard shortcuts northern Africa the Germans so you can turn the tide. And push into Italy would like to read some opinions about virtues of mass asault and it 's actually useful. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In many ways the opposite of Mobile Warfare, Grand Battle Plan focuses on long, slow campaigns, gradually pushing the enemy back. In these circumstances using AI control at any level can be perilous. Fighting a Mass Mobilization opponent who makes heavy use of strategic bombing to ruin infrastructure sucks. This lets you hit hard for low manpower consumption. Sometimes they're so stupid and get incircled by 4km/h infantry. The thing about superior firepower is that you're comparing 40 width divisions, which not a lot of countries can afford or supply. Edit: Forgot to mention, I personally like the idea of Grand Battleplan into Infiltration, to give your presumably significant infantry forces a good buff while also giving you decent mobile force and all around offensive/defensive bonuses for predictable fronts. I had fun with a Deep Battle strategy where you build gigantic units - infantry divisions consisting of 25 infantry battalions, 40-width tank divisions - and then you give all of your divisions the logistics company. In the following we refer to as the "attacker" the side who is on the offensive and initiated the battle and as "defender . Hoi4 best multiplayer nations Hoi4 best multiplayer nations. Example battle screen. I then threw leg infantry at this front for grinding power and it was still a stalemate due to reserves. And get incircled by 4km/h infantry note to self: dont use kamikaze air mission it also provides to... 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