All of these may pose dangers that Christians would do well to recognize and avoid, ameliorate, orguard against. Can you honestly say that popular face of Jesus Christ being portrayed today is the same Jesus 2000 years ago? types: that the Jews will have "no other god before Me" (Ex 20:3, Deut The Ten Commandments, or the Decalogue, are a set of laws which were given to Moses by God, as found in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy.The biblical text of the Ten Commandments is differently divided according to denominational traditions.The Orthodox and Catholic tradition traces back to the 3rd and 4th centuries. The book of Exodus lists the You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. So if they eliminate something, surely, they have to add something, right? According to Friedman, "the account of the giving of the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy (4.9-14, 5.1-28) essentially follows that in Exodus 20." The main difference is that Deuteronomy describes the promulgation of the Ten Commandments as a covenant in its own right and the subsequent giving of the laws as a second, complementary covenant. 5:15). Ibn Ezra understands that when the sages explained that keep and remember were said simultaneously they were speaking figuratively. It is found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. Thou shalt not kill. Austin Cline, a former regional director for the Council for Secular Humanism, writes and lectures extensively about atheism and agnosticism. 5:21). The Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day (Deut. This is a practice seen in Catholic and Orthodox churches and frankly helps tell the Bibles Stories and enhances prayer. Why is this miracle not mentioned in the Bible? 21:28-29). If you look into the history, the true Ten Commandments were accepted up until the fourth century AD until Augustine (Catholic bishop of Hippo in North Africa, 354-430) devised a new way of presenting the Ten Commandments in order to allow the use of images and statues in religious worship. Statute 196). We do not own our spouses. These commandments are recorded in two different biblical chapters (Exodus 20:1-17 & Deuteronomy 5:6-21), yet each text is slightly different, and neither passage explicitly . 5:14b-15a). Each is wrong, but wrong in sometimes . There is no evident material culture of the Christian religion before 180 AD, and it was very common for early churches to be set in private dwellings, which included homes of the wealthy. The fast-food restaurant chainChick-fil-Ais wellknown for being closed on Sundays. [Video]. Although they have been made a foundation for morality in general, they are in fact addressed only to adult Israelite males. Companies, governments, individuals, unions, and other players may use their power to coerce others into unfair wages, prices, contract terms, working conditions, hours, or other factors. Regrettably, many jobs seem to include an element of taking advantage of others ignorance or lack of alternatives to force them into transactions they otherwise wouldnt agree to. If avoiding work is our danger, we need to learn how to find joy and meaning in working as a service to God and our neighbors (Eph. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This would have had to be an unusual even unnecessary miracle, he states, the like of which is never recorded elsewhere. Similarities and Differences Between Exod 20:8-11 and Deut 5:12-15 The following list contains the Sabbath commandments of Exod 20 and The first is as found in Exodus 20:2-17 and was personally spoken by God and written by the finger of God. How many careers come to a tragic end because the means to accomplish things for the love of Godsuch as political power, financial sustainability, commitment to the job, status among peers, or superior performancebecome ends in themselves? Idols are gods of our own creation, gods that we feel will give us what we want. The term Islam means submission, while followers of Islam are called Muslims which is translated to one who has submitted. Islam was very prominent, Ten Commandments In Exodus Vs Deuteronomy. 10 Astonishing Lessons We Learn from Psalm 27, Is there an immortal soul? Honor thy father and thy mother. (See the section on Puffery/Exaggeration in Truth and Deception at for more on this topic.) If we heed Gods commandment to observe Gods own cycle of work and rest, will we be able to compete in the modern economy? 7 'You shall have no other gods before Me. As Paul noted, we may not be able to prevent the feeling of anger, but we can learn how to cope with our anger. % Both focus on only one of the many variations, the fact that Exodus 20:8 uses the term Remember the Sabbath day while Deuteronomy 20:12 has Keep the Sabbath day. Both give the same explanation, but the Talmud is more verbal: Remember and keep were pronounced in a single utterance an utterance that the [human] mouth cannot utter, nor the ear hear. These early sources posit that both versions were uttered simultaneously and miraculously by God. 1The New Interpreters Bible: Genesis to Leviticus(Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994),432. You shall not have other gods besides me. It isnt even clear in these verses which commandment is which. We may be accustomed to thinking about keeping the Sabbath in order to rest ourselves, but how much thought do we give to resting those who work to serve us? Brueggemann again provides insight: Politicians seek to destroy one another in negative campaigning; gossip columnists feed off calumny; and in Christian living rooms, reputations are tarnished or destroyed over cups of coffee served in fine china with dessert. Here again is a description that God gives to create an object, thus essentially filling what may be considered a graven image How is this possible? We need to call sin as it is. We use peoples names well when we use them to encourage, thank, create solidarity, and welcome. The Feast of Shavuot (pentkost in Greek, Pentecost in English), one of the three great pilgrim Feasts that God told the Jewish people to celebrate (Deuteronomy 16:16), occurs fifty days after the Feast of Pesach (Passover).This holiday, described in Leviticus 23:15-22, was primarily an agricultural festival and celebrated the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest. similarities of 10 commandments in exodus and deuteronomy. This is an irrational way of thinking. similarities of 10 commandments in exodus and deuteronomy. This automatically disqualified the effeminate, weak, and long-haired Jesus that we commonly see. Envy and acquisitiveness are indeed especially dangerous at workwhere status, pay, and power are routine factors in our relationships with people we spend a lot of time with. More than merely not participating, it is up to Christians to stop rumors and those who spread them in their tracks.[3]. Each of the Ten Commandments is directed to the individual rather than the group. Furthermore, it is God who commanded it. Surely, THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE TRADITIONAL TEN COMMANDMENTS! Thou shalt not commit adultery. Know Your Bible is a concise, easy-to-understand guide to Gods Word-giving you a helpful and memorable overview of all 66 books. You will notice that the TENTH COMMANDMENT of God was divided by people who thought they are better than God. We state it as God saying, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me (besides me, or in addition to me)." The second Commandment is drawn from Exodus 20:4, but it really includes verses 5-6. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Rememberthe Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 34 is clearly called a covenant before and after the list is given, clearly written on tablets, and clearly called the Ten Commandments. As a matter of fact, in later years, the Israelites will view the bronze serpent as a holy relic of veneration and begin worshiping it. (Get your copy here.). But the eighth commandment tells us that no society can thrive when property rights are violated with impunity by individuals, criminal gangs, businesses, or governments. In our workplaces, we can help other people fulfill the fifth commandment, as well as obeyit ourselves. Moses exposition begins with the most memorable statement of the book, Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. Change). Answer. Similarly, many commentators mistakenly see significance in the fact that each of the Decalogues begins with the first person (God speaking) and changes to the third person (someone relating what God said). So instead of simply thou shalt not covet they divided that portion to make it two making their commandment back to ten. Jesus warned of exactly this danger:No one can serve two masters.You cannot serve God and wealth (Matt. They were Commandments, legal directives, rules that were to serve as both laws and guidelines for the Nation of Israel. 2. Although they have some similarities, they have a lot of differences. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the . Again, God commanded for it to be created, but not be worshipped. Of course, neither statement is indicative of genuine monotheism. The first thing which to notice is that after thefirst commandment, numbering starts to change. Tell me? 20 The cherubim shall have their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings and [o]facing one another; the faces of the cherubim are to be turned toward the mercy seat.. This further suggests that workplace gossip is a serious offense. The two differ in more than a dozen instances in the spelling of some terms, added and changed expressions, word order changes, and the insertion of explanations in the Deuteronomic edition. On a large scale, the business of marketing and advertisement operates in the public space among organizations and individuals. Sometimes Scripture adds a reason when it repeats something. EXODUS 20:1-21 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Day 10 DEUTERONOMY 5:1-21. where the people had gathered at the bottom of the mountain, hearing God's . 5:15b). You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. similarities of 10 commandments in exodus and deuteronomy. If God is the focus of our worship, desire for him displaces all unholy, covetous desire for anything else, including that which belongs to our neighbors. (2021, July 29). The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 NKJV) 1 . Murder is the intentional killing of a person, but the case law that stems from the sixth commandment shows that we also have the duty to prevent unintended deaths. A more practical course arises when we remember that Jesus said even anger is a violation of the sixth commandment (Matt. The decision is up to you. Just like Satan is cunning. Are we able to recognize when we begin to idolize these things? Statutes 129 and 14). what he said. The Decalogue is first introduced in Exodus 20 and in Deuteronomy 5. Is this a legitimate function of the government? For God, using images to represent Him is VERY ABOMINABLE. At that time, Augustine (Catholic bishop of Hippo in North . The second attitude causes laziness, generates excuses for failure, and provokes acts of confiscation. In the realm of work, this means that we are not to let work or its requirements and fruits displace God as our most important concern in life. Dog Agility Training At It's Finest. Are these sources implying that God caused the Israelites to hear the diversity in spelling, added words, altered word order, and appended explanations in a single. Some of it pertains to personal, off-site matters, which is evil enough. And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him. Then Jesus added a quotation from Leviticus 19:18, And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matt. One is in Exodus 20 and the second in Deuteronomy 5. He is an attorney and a rabbi, with masters degrees in both psychology and Hebrew literature and a PhD in Judaic studies. Ibn Ezra answers that God originated the Exodus Decalogue, but Moses was the author of the Deuteronomic version, not God. Additionally, if God is the author of the Deuteronomic Decalogue, why does it state in Deuteronomy 5:15 as the Lord your God commanded you? Keeping this in mind, we shouldnt make wrongful use of other peoples names or call them by disrespectful epithets. We will never succeed if we convince ourselves that life is a zero-sum game and that we are somehow harmed when other people do well. Thou shalt not . If aging or dementia begins to rob them of their memory, capabilities, and good nature, caring for them can become a deep sorrow. The Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21, are a list of prohibitions and, to a lesser extent, commands. Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven. Work may subject people to sexual harassment and pressure to have sex with those holding power over them. These commandments are not, nor were they supposed to be the same as the "ten words" or Decalogue. The reason is likely the long-standing Protestant dominance in American public and civic life. If both versions were given to the Israelites by God through Moses, why does one vary from the other? When we shop late at night, golf on Sunday morning, or watch sporting events that continue past midnight, do we consider how it may affect those working at these times? Married people should not have sex with people other than their spouses at, in, or because of their work. Though written as negative commandments (with two exceptions), they all have a positive meaning for public behavior . Question is how does one know when a crime is committed? It is the difference between the parent saying to the child, "If you don't go to bed, then " vs. "Go to bed now!". Unlike the first four books of the Pentateuch, the Book of Deuteronomy is, for the most part, the Word of Gd given in the language and style of Moses.Five weeks before his death, Moses assembled the people of Israel in Moab and gave them a parting speech, which formed the core of this book. Can we take time to worship God, to pray, and to gather with others for study and encouragement, and if we do, will it make us more or less productiveoverall? God cannot contradict himself. Exo 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Exo 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; Exo 20:6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. On what do we ultimately pin our hope of well-being and success? Christians who have any role in setting the conditions of work, supervising workers, or modeling workplace practices are reminded by the sixth commandment that safe working conditions are among their highest responsibilities in the world of work. Observethe Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. To make matters worse, the three of them are organized and phrased quite differently. (Deuteronomy 22:22) and the seduction of a virgin woman (Exodus 22:16-17, Deuteronomy 22:23-29), adultery is distinguished from pre-marital sex in the Old Testament. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.. The other concernbe it money, power, security, recognition, sex, or anything elsehas become our god. 2. However, The Ten Commandments occurs in two places found in the Torah, first in the book of Exodus and second in the book of Deuteronomy. " You shall not steal. You shall not make for yourself a carved imageany likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. Observing the Ten Commandments is conceivable only for those who start by worshipping no other god than the Lord. Accusations are made; hearsay allowed; slander, perjury, and libelous comments uttered without objection. MegaEssays. Where is the sanctity of family? Some scholars believe, however, that this formulation could date back to an earlier version than the one in Exodus. Exo 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. It includes, of course, disrespectful use in cursing, slandering, and blaspheming. When others share or complain about their struggles with parents, we can listen to them compassionately, support them practically (say, by offering to take a shift so they can be with their parents), or perhaps offer a godly perspective for them to consider. 5. Manipulating them undercuts the ethical fabric of society and thus constitutes a serious offense. "That the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed." 1 Timothy 6:1. The use of the term Catholic Ten Commandments are meant loosely because both Catholics and Lutherans follow this particular listing which is based upon the version found inDeuteronomy. There are many differences between the Exodus described in the Bible and the Exodus shown in the 2007 film The Ten Commandments. What we need are times and places for both work and rest, which together are good for us, our family, workers, and guests. Now whats wrong with having a picture (or statue) of Jesus? 5 0 obj Retrieved from You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a . Thus, a shortened and concise version has been created to make posting, reading, and memorization easier. But envy isnt one of them. But we are put to the test by this commandment when we find it burdensome to work on behalf of our parents. The issue is complex, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Everyone was right in their own sight. I think this is just your inference. The rendering in Exodus (New Revised . Continue reading this essay statutes and ordinances by which the Israeli people are to live and abide In modern times critical research has devoted much attention to the differences between the two text-versions (Exo. It would be a legitimate return on his investment. Now, we have discussed the similarities between these two groups of laws, now let us talk about the differences between the two. 6-18. Deuteronomy adds the words or field to Exoduss list of your neighbor'sthings you are not to covet. colin bridgerton and penelope featherington fanfic. Exodus 20:4-6. VIII. 5:21-22). The third commandment literally prohibits Gods people from making wrongful use of the name of God. The 10 Commandments in the New Testament. In both of the listed excerpts, the Decalogue is given early on in almost exactly the same words. On the one hand, this was an incomparable gift to the people of Israel. The first traditional commandment should read as follows, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:7. This prohibits us from claiming Gods authority for our own actions and decisions. When students were expected to read the Bible in public schools, for example, they were forced to read theKing James translationfavored by Protestants; the Catholic Douay translation was forbidden. It does not matter what religion they follow or what they may choose to do with the time. God revealed the entire Decalogue, even the sections related in the third person. In this instance, even assuming that such a miracle could occur, it would have been impossible for the people to understand the scrambled communication. 3. Thus, ibn Ezra concludes, the Exodus Decalogue is the words of God, while he Deuteronomic version is Moses personal repetition his reminder to the people of the revelation that occurred forty years earlier. There are many ways this can occur. What does it mean to dwell in the secret place of the Most High (Psalms 91:1)? Although the second greatest commandment is not stated explicitly in Deuteronomy, we will see that the Ten Commandments do indeed point us to love of both God and neighbor. To many, there exists only one version of the Ten Commandments- the generalized "thou shall not" version. The same may occur with virtually every other element of success, including preparation, hard work, creativity, risk, wealth and other resources, and even chance. The six days of work are as much a part of the commandment as the one day of rest. No one doubts the number of the Commandments, ten (Exodus 34:28; Deuteronomy 4:13; 10:4).It is their content that has been disputed, and this is of vitaleternalconcern.. What safeguards ought to be in place to ensure that reports are fair and accurate? As a matter of fact, I Corinthians 11:14-15 mentioned that it is shameful for a man to have a LONG hair. But Jesus pointed out that obeying this commandment requires working to provide for your parents (Mark 7:9-13). Tell me, did Exodus 20:17 said that the wife is a property? For this purpose, let us see what Exodus 20 has to say. In the traditional version, they eliminated the SECOND COMMANDMENT of God for obvious reasons, of course. We are not to serve the images we create, but images CAN AND ARE and HAVE BEEN HISTORICALLY instructed to be instruments of prayer and worship, BUT NEVER THE ACTUAL receiver of those worship. Answer (1 of 13): What are the differences between the 10 commandments in Exodus and Deuteronomy? Decalogue is also the designation for the twelve commandments in Exodus 34:12-26. Presentation design guide: tips, examples, and . To categorize a wife and not differentiate her into a separate commandment belittles the unit of society as family. Of Hippo in North but Moses was the author of the commandment as the your... The generalized & quot ; thou shall not bow down to them or worship ;. That obeying this commandment when we remember that Jesus said even anger is a violation of Most! They divided that portion to make matters worse, the Lord your God am... Ultimately pin our hope of well-being and success on in almost exactly same. 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