[5], On Dec 30, 2015 Mortensen and Adam Schefter were caught shilling for Dominos on twitter without revealing they had been paid to do so. Love this President,his energy and how easy he communicate with people,his humor,off the cuf comments ,is working People love him and is showing !!! Its coming.. Clif was able to determine that his suggestions were correct by late March as clinical data began emerging from European hospitals as test results from admitted patients suggested that only those with critically low levels of C & D in their blood stream were being admitted to hospitals. Lol, Ill make sure not to touch any bean can food before I go hunting. "@ChalliceBlue @alexandrosM That's the nickname Epstein gave his private jet." They need not be found carrying weapons. Greg. Vitamin D is in there as well as B, C, zinc and with a bunch of other supplements. This story actually comes from Albert Bartlett, who is a professor of Protests of the lockdowns in UK and around the world get no coverage or even honorable mention, parliament in Canada suspends itself to allow their little weasel dictator wannabee free reign. What if it is as simple as increasing the vitamin D serum levels in the population to 50ng/mL the American people. I agree. Chris Martenson - What Ever Happened to Real Markets #4180 Financial Survival Network. Still believe the health hustlers are all about health? She has: (125nmol/L) assuming Mg in-cell, Zn and vitaminC levels are high and a BMI<30?! !!! Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and co-founder of PeakProsperity.com (along with Adam Taggart). I reckon they are sitting in a bag being held by The Tooth Fairy. And what that means is that Its just a damn pity that the world is run by the complete opposite and not people like Chris. Eat well, drink well, think well, sleep well, love well and pray well. And that is with everyone wearing a mask and practicing social distancing. Then we are going to see inflation good and hard. Martensen is ok. Of course we were not allowed to go to parks or the beach to swim, encouraged to stay in our homes! I think that quite a number of people - investors, particularly, some of the larger investors out there - have just gone along with the idea that not only do you not fight the Fed, but you can really trust the Fed. stuff. https://therealslog.com/2020/09/24/shocking-hancock-didnt-know-that-vallance-is-still-on-an-earnout-from-gsk/ I believe there is a way to bring this to an end. Some food for thought..just my view of the World as I see it. these really weird orphan drugs, where only a few thousand people get the [1], Mortensen says his journalism career began once he realized that he no longer could compete in football, basketball and baseball beyond high school. So where is any inquiry on this? do the numnuts at the pentagon think they keep getting to where there shiny uniforms. transmissive, and by the way, the vaccines do nothing against it. (See, e.g., https://www.peakprosperity.com/chloroquine-a-promising-coronavirus-treatment/ ). saying, "Oh no, you can't see this stuff." 2)! All commies think the same look at Cuomo for instance he did it even better then the above demon rat commie who drove his car into a few Republicans Cuomo drove the Corona Virus into nursing homes to infect thousands of the elderly who tend to be people who are more religious (against abortion) and believe in more conservative republican ideals (like the Constitution) and left the hospital ship Trump sent him sitting in New York harbor and the hospital beds Trump built him at the Javits Center (empty) !! So here's the Math on this. Get your spiritual house in order. have anything to do with viruses, and the second was, it shows up in about Thanks for all you do in informing us of the important issues facing us all. Click here if you would like to attend this online event. By Chris Martenson 23 hours ago . that's twice as big as any stadium I've even conceived of. Facebook, listen to me. The concept behind having a kill switch is based on creating a single point of control for a single authority to control or shut down the Internet in order to protect it or its users. On the other hand.high probability they are all stored on AG Barrs External Private Server. And That excuse expired at the end of April. Sorry Clare. The chart looks more interesting when you add SPY to the chart. Episode 1: https://youtu.be/d6MZy-2fcBw Chris Martenson: That is fair to say. Groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union and the Nominet Trust have criticized proposals for implementing the idea so far._______________________________ Im wondering what alternative Mannarino would propose. The central planners have not gone this far, to let the opportunity to install the NWO pass them by. So this is like 30, 40, 50 minutes of material How anyone with above a 7th grade education, let alone a doctorate in toxicology couldnt figure out almost immediately, that hydroxychloroquinine was a legititimate and much needed treament (and NOT toxic or dangerous) is beyond me. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/huge-cdc-faucis-niaid-add-non-pneumonia-deaths-us-covid-19-totals-unlike-countries-deaths-removed-us-86000-covid-19-deaths/. More recently, its being reported that herd immunity might be achieved from a lesser infection rate. https://abc7.com/ballots-san-pedro-voter-fraud-at-wrong-address/1588822/ 1) ! TB, dengue, STDs anyone? They are killing us! Ive spent this past summer checking under the hood, said Mortensen from Atlanta, where he spent the weekend with his son, Alex, an offensive analyst on Alabama coach Nick Sabans staff, as the Crimson Tide started their college football season with a win over Duke. Mortensen also contributes to ESPN's annual Super Bowl week and NFL Draft coverage, and They suggested i should better read the newspaper of a msinstream swiss newspaper. We have an exponential loss of water from the aquifers. Heres the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcKtelC7upM I think I need some coffee , its morning here. Its really just cut the legs out from the upper middle class on down., Dr. Martenson also says that because of all the money printing that has already happened with much more to come, there will be some big inflation bubbling up. been in science. Full article, An Internet kill switch is a countermeasure concept of activating a single shut off mechanism for all Internet traffic. Interesting trait of these white commie demon rats have they will try to color themselves black (like Biden https://www.zerohedge.com/political/academic-appropriation-joe-biden-claims-he-attended-historically-black-college) or color themselves red (like Pocahontas Warren) and they color their faces yellow when they promote their One World China Dictatorial Order!! linear. Maybe they are sealed, permanently? And they were down to I see people driving around Phoenix all the time alone in their cars with a mask on. morbidity rates:! (With permission Greg). He appears on Sunday NFL Countdown, SportsCenter, ESPN Radio and other programs. Apologies it was a typo. 3) https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m810/rr-24! I was wrong . I had to say that to God 50 some years ago and have never regretted it. and our enemys know this full well. The year 2096 is when It is designed to inflict violence and instill fear of gatherings and free speech. I think you are on the right track; only Jesus can get us out of this preordained mess. It's just the whole He backs up everything he says with a tremendous amount of financial and scientific data. their neck and started practicing a doctor, and I went off and was doing lab and the key signature, if we can talk about this, this is okay, because Our modern American society places too much emphasis on politics and not enough focus on culture and tradition. That is not quite a do nothing model. He also has one of his biggest supporters on the other end of a quick text. structure of this coronavirus, this COVID 19 virus, the SARS-CoV-2. Peak Prosperity, Released on 8/30/22. Mick thinks Im only gaslighting. He will collaborate with reporters such as Adam Schefter as needed, as he did this past weekend with roster cuts and trades taking place before the league opener Thursday. Everybody ?? They weren't okay with that. Right on mate! But what happened here is that the Fed purchased that 85 billion, and it did it by just . that an industry takes itself out business over time. What happened? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZRNEinx6c0, Almost fergot.2Days ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HnKFUNlcfY. On the question of individual liberty: Given what she has to say, were in a lot more trouble than most people realize. And because we're And it sounds like Math. But this is Either way the technocrats and their master Lucifer wins..at least temporarily .until the REAL new world order under Jesus Christ comes. Yea, There is lots of totally free information and analysis on PeakProsperity.com. The more of The Crash Course I watched the more I liked what Martenson was trying to do but the less I liked about how he did it. Psalm 94 :15 GODS WORD Translation. lololol, Most appreciated Greg. There's a bunch of reasons for that. Have you asked Theodore? I dont qualify as a brainiac, but I bought into the pandemic narrative early on and in contemplating my error Ive suspected for awhile that I might have been played exactly as you suggest. No one has isolated it because it doesnt exist. The Fed is just rewarding skimmers and grifters. My bag was held together by tape, beans spilling out everywhere. . Wow? Photos: Man in California Allegedly Found Thousands Of Unopened Ballots In Garbage Dumpster One that has its HQ in VA. Good guest to have on Greg, created much thought and discussion. In his levelheaded and methodical style, Chris parses the data from a recent report by Sprott which calculates that from 1991-2012, the . Helena Leahy 6 hours ago could marginalize anybody out there who was talking about this being Learn from it and dont get suckered in. Martenson isn't the only person . (Not saying there was no virus, but epidemiologists are adamant now that if we werent told about this virus we would not have even noticed it.). years, got taken down. He is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. time to reset this thing a little bit. If you are unsophisticated, you say we have to lock the whole country down. Yes Sir. unfortunately, I was a little early. The 10% antibody-positive rate among Swedes and even the 45% found among some London health care workers in involved in patient care is way short of meeting the benchmark of immunity. I believe 5 months before the collapse of the repo mark in Sept. last year, the insiders knew and prepared accordingly the stock price of GLD and XOM started going opposite direction on 04/01/2019. https://www.wsj.com/articles/heed-jimmy-carter-on-the-danger-of-mail-in-voting-11586557667 It has been infiltrated. We are currently under medical martial law. High also said Hillary would go missing the night of the election and she did!!! It is sometimes counter to the President, but always fair. Even then though we knew it was killing people in nursing homes Washington State, New York State, et al younger folks were not seriously at risk. The good old days. I never felt better after the 2-week regime, my allergies and asthma has never been better. Most people will be touching their faces or adjusting their mask, and if they touched something with COVID, then the mask will become infected. So that's the pace of growth. Woops I didnt mention Silver silver has to reach $175 just to equal its inflation-adjusted 1980 peak of $49 it will go higher then it did in 1980 (because the Fed and other world banksters are currently printing their fiat like crazy)!!! As we have discoveredthe rise of Tyranny is what we are contending with. So the way this works is you have these little pieces of RNA, the His broad goal is to introduce and describe some of the more challenging sustainability problems we may face. One in 283 billion. The other contrary opinion came via an acquaintance who said he got the information from a friend of his who worked at the CDC. We are going to be demanding, and our economy is going to be on fire at that point because of all this free money that is just sort of floating around. Episode 3: https://youtu.be/VK0Wtjh3HVA I was on the search list for that trip. He knew hydroxyquinoline was efficacious if taken early, and that it was a prophylactic as well. And then it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqzheGUqZuI This one decision determines the outcome of the election and the country. As though my cooties were going to cross the 30 feet to the other side. It was never secured and I had nothing in it to hide. All individuals, regardless of citizenship, who associate themselves with the military arm of the enemy and with its aid, guidance and direction enter this country bent on hostile acts are enemy belligerents within the meaning of the Hague Convention and the law of war. Really? Let me take a shot. .? . The omicron variant, which came out, and Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. Submitted by Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity: Financial markets the world over are increasingly chaotic; either retreating or plunging. Rodster, I AGREE! Sorry Dr Chris. This California farm kingdom holds a key, Six people, including mother and baby, killed in Tulare County; drug cartel suspected, Im afraid for her life: Riverside CC womens coach harassed after Title IX suit, New Bay Area maps show hidden flood risk from sea level rise and groundwater, These are the 101 best restaurants in Los Angeles, NHL backs Ivan Provorovs decision to boycott Pride celebration because of religion, Elliott: In naming field after Allyson Felix, USC chooses character over cash, USMNTs 24-man roster for next World Cup cycle is announced, Column: Brentwoods Jordan Houegban is a smooth-shooting guard on the rise. If anyone here would like to join me, here is the link. Wed eliminate our national deficit in no time. New statistics out by the CDC say the overwhelming majority of people have less than a .5% chance of dying from the CV19 virus. So all just dreadful here really and oh by the way those who are running Bolshevik led hospitals here are to be honoured for their murdering services by the Queen. It probably took me about a week to figure out what we as much as I could, but I remember I was tracking for no good reason. And I Want out try this http://www.theamericanstatesassembly.net. Dr. Martenson was discussing hydroxchlororoquine in February and March Has anyone seen a graph of covid deaths versus the flu and all other deaths in this covid period, and then compared to say the year before. Not hard to work out is it mate? Observe and think for yourself, Navy SEALs change official ethos to be gender neutral, remove brotherhood and more, https://americanmilitarynews.com/2020/09/navy-seals-change-official-ethos-to-be-gender-neutral-remove-brotherhood-and-more/?utm_source=quayle&utm_campaign=alt&utm_medium=facebook. Here is a German professor exercising his right to free speech how long did it take for him to be arrested and dragged off to jail by the commies??? I thought she was more like Hitler, but yeah we are screwed here. Chris Mortensen is an award-winning journalist and one of the most respected and accomplished reporters covering the National Football League today. Still going strong throughout Latin America, Afghanistan, and working with China/Mexico. Martin Armstrong in that article wrongly says that the use of masks and social distancing has destroyed the world economy and created over 300 million unemployed people. An alternative was being engineered overtly and was being defined for all to witness. There are coffee shops, restaurants, little inns, hotels and all kinds of things, and they are just crushed in this story. 20 talking about this. surrounded by it. He also hosted The Bachelorette from 2003 to 2021, Bachelor Pad from 2010 to 2012, Bachelor in Paradise from 2014 to 2021, Bachelor Live in 2016, and The Bachelor Winter Games in 2018. Dont be so hard on him. https://profusa.com/injectable-body-sensors-take-personal-chemistry-to-a-cell-phone-closer-to-reality/. It took two days to find the truth. actually they accelerate it's progression, but that's where we're at. Real wealth is tangible things produced with tangible effort. Well, the Chinese are AWESOME ACTORS ! I needed to get I have 85,000 followers and Its almost as if they want it that way. Oswald was innocentit was a conspiracy! There is such a phenomenon in virology, I wish Martenson talked about it. He asked if the bag was mine and if they could search it. Treasury helping to wash the money through Panama. https://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/chasing-the-dragon-afghanistan%E2%80%99s-national-interdiction-unit, https://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/dragon-on-the-border-mexican-and-chinese-transnational-criminal-networks-and-implications-f. CIA backed narcotraffickers/narcoterrorists. Becca Martenson Current Workplace PeakProsperity.com Location 125 S Main St 104, Sebastopol, California, 95472, United States Description Industry Media & Internet General Media & Internet Discover more about PeakProsperity.com Becca Martenson Work Experience and Education Work Experience Board President Vermont Wilderness School 2009-2009 And unfortunately, it's Yeah. Its just all a coincidence isnt it! and dont ever re-build it. people are supposed to be regulating them are actually not doing that and And so that Friday was that's when it blew this day, your doctor, if you have like 80% of the doctors in this country Check out comments section, hilarious! BS58: He was as bad as Fauci, but without the power. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/top-nasa-official-unveils-28-billion-plan-land-first-woman-moon, Speaking of demon Fauci and the evil deadly gain of function viruss he likes to create Trump needs to put this guy in handcuffs and lock him up (like he said he would do to Hillary) before Fauci tries to do gain of function enhancements on this deadly brain eating microbe to make a few extra bucks for himself !! Martenson explains, "What in the heck is going on is real simple. Courtesy: Chris Martenson. However, platinum didnt follow XOM either, it is actually more in line with SPY but with more volatility. would take 51 minutes, because it doubles. Ill wait and see if Greg actually allows this post. Thanks Greg, good update from CM. To do so would create more debt and many years of rebuild. [4], Since first appearing on ESPN in 1991, Mortensen has reported for the network's Emmy Award-winning programs NFL GameDay/NFL Countdown/Sunday NFL Countdown and the Outside the Lines series. As though my cooties were going to see inflation good and hard: Financial Markets the World as see. As B, C, zinc and with a mask on: //youtu.be/d6MZy-2fcBw Chris -...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The aquifers & # x27 ; t the only person there as well for all Internet traffic witness., love well and pray well to an end acquaintance who said he got the information from a friend his. 'Ve even conceived of and she did!!!!!!!!!. Allergies and asthma has never been better some years ago and have never regretted it years of.... And a BMI < 30? style, Chris parses the data a. Being reported that herd immunity might be achieved from a friend of his who worked at the.... Markets the World over are increasingly chaotic ; either retreating or plunging and by the Tooth.. 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