Group Work. . Use this classroom desk arrangement to encourage discussion in smaller groups. Which arrangement works the best in your classroom? Keep reading, I'll tell you about it. I wouldnt recommend this seating arrangement in your classroom all the time. Theoretical Connection: Banduras Social Learning Theory. Create a "Langspo" Board. It can reflect an amphitheater model where everyone is looking at one focal action point at the front middle of the classroom. Ive found this layout very easy for the teacher to access every students desk space quickly to provide tailored support. Required fields are marked *. Circle arrangements work well for group discussions to keep the whole class engaged. Its not a classroom seating arrangement app, but it comes close. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CLASSROOM SEATING ARRANGEMENTS ON STUDENT LEARNING AND TEACHER INSTRUCTON An Action Research Project Submitted to Dr. Mohan D. Pant By HUBERT WOODSON University of Texas at Arlington In partial fulfillment of requirements for the course EDUC 5397: IMPLEMENTING CLASSROOM RESEARCH (Spring of 2013) Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of . Big picture discussions. There is not much open space for students to engage in active learning on the floor of the classroom. By talking through the content in groups, students get to hear other peoples perspectives. Consider placing taller students in the back row. Mega Seating Plan is one of the most popular initiatives with staff we have added over the past few years. The clusters arrangement is intended for group work and projects. In contrast to the double u-shape arrangement, this u-shape for in a large classroom doesnt really cast students out. I've also discovered that it's smart to pick a few arrangements that you like and teach your students how to quickly move between the positions when the activity requires it. Two students can sit at a single trapezoid table, if your classroom has tables instead of desks. The cognitive tools theory pictures computers as tools for supporting higher-order cognition. Let students talk to the one facing them (discussion, practice a foreign language, get to know each other, etc.). I actually have 6 horseshoes with a 3 drawer rolling cart in the middle for each classes supplies in their drawer. These two arrangements are a great way to include a lot of desks in a little area. Get your students seated next to each other on one line. color Facet Value. Mobility. Desk arrangements are important in organizing and managing your classroom. Student-centered or teacher-centered learning? When I have had more students I just made the rows or table groups longer. Sign up to get fresh ideas, content updates, and freebies! This layout wont suit a classroom that does involve a lot of group work/collaboration. However, youll then need to follow-up with appropriate pedagogical strategies. This helps certain students who can only sit by certain kids or helps students who can get overwhelmed sitting by a lot of other kids. Student Desks. The pair arrangement can be done with desks or tables, and allows the teacher to move around the room between pairs. $55.97 . The way you should set up your desk arrangements and classroom layouts matters. Hi Laura, I hope youre having a great year! The hybrid n butterfly are the favourites in my classroom. Theoretical Connection: Progressive Democratic Education. It sets the scene and mood for your classroom. It sounds like it would be crowded but it's not and I have lots of floor space for my composite 2/3 class. In a combination classroom arrangement, teachers can use the best parts of two or more classroom designs. The teacher will be available to give more guidance when needed as well. When you see pictures of classrooms from any time period, you will see the desks in rows. . Every strategy needs an effective classroom arrangement. classroom desk arrangement for 30 students July 25, 2022 Students get together as a group of equals to discuss big picture issues as if they are the decision-makers at a conference board. It also frees up more floor space around the classroom. One con to having bigger desk groups (or pods as some teachers call them), is the talking. It is working for now, but it takes up a lot of space. Are you about to embark on a new school year in a new classroom? Best of luck to you this school year! Encourage your students to come to a consensus or a solution to the problem. A double V, interesting, I havent tried that one. That is tricky, especially if you have the desks where the table top is connected to the arm of the desk. Also, can you cater to every students learning needs? I have seven tables this year so I really had to think how to have everyone in groups. After telling students what to do, it's important to show them exactly how to do it. If you are struggling with a small classroom. By facing two desks against the end of the group, this teacher still has large desk groups, without taking up as much room! The key characteristic of this design is that the students never have their backs to one another and all students have a clear unimpeded view of the central stage area of the classroom. Lets say you have a large classroom and a lot of students, then you can definitely use this student desk arrangement. The importance of the study is to give a students a more flexible and comfortable setting to work in. Have students face one another, chat, and share resources at the conference table. For constructivists like Jean Piaget, the most important task a student can engage in is hands-on experimentation. It is almost universally accepted that social interaction helps stimulate learning. When students are comfortable, they will be more engaged, and therefore more knowledge can be obtained. Educational furniture companies have been stepping up their game and making desks/tables lightweight and sleek. Another popular way to arrange student desks is in groups, or pods. Arrange your classroom in a way that accurately portrays your educational philosophy and ensures that your students can move around and interact the way you'd like. In this way, students can get their heads together when needed. It may help facilitate engaged learning as distractions are minimized. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. This will be almost impossible. That seems unfair. This classroom arrangement encourages discussion and makes it easy for the teacher to observe students and give one-on-one help. The Double-U method is best for a teacher-centered passive learning classrooms. Still common in high schools and exam halls, this format emphasizes individualistic working conditions and maximum teacher control. See here for more information: Five or more teachers. If you want the PowerPoint just let me know! This layout was also beneficial for me, as the teacher, as I could easily go around and mark work and check up on individual students. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Once in the arrangement, teachers may have to move students around a bit to adjust their classroom volume. You can also get the students to create group names for their table. Explicitly model group work strategies to your students so they have a clear understanding of behavior expectations. Workstations are a very popular classroom layout today. Pairs. These can be arranged in a full or semi-circle which is perfect for sharing and reading aloud time. 'The teacher's educational philosophy will be reflected in the layout of the classroom. exercise templates (quizzes, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, ), It involves placing desks in rows with pairs of desks facing each other. I like to have a whole group lesson position, a group work position, and a testing position. Large group discussions. Use longer tables If you have access to longer tables, they can help students stay apart. Click below to start downloading ALL THE THINGS! With all students facing one another, it is easy to facilitate discussions in this space. Again, this layout makes it easier for the teacher to get around and help out individual students. Thanks for sharing . Hello there! 21 Best Classroom Desk Arrangements: Ideas to Consider. I have the two side groups split up into smaller groups of 4-6 with a small (about another desk width) space between the groups. General Desk Arrangement . By. If you have a small group of students that need a lot of teacher assistance for one subject area you can get them to sit in a desk arrangement such as the small U shape and position yourself in the middle of the U. Small classrooms. Theoretical Connection: Socio-Cultural / Social Constructivist Theory. Numerous studies have illustrated that participation in occupations--defined as meaningful life activities--is essential to wellness (AOTA, 2014). (7 x 7) Vertical Classroom Seating Chart (10x10) Graph Paper for Creating and Designing Your Own Seating Chart : Shaded Classroom Seating Chart (6 x 7 With the horseshoe or U-shape arrangement, the desks face 5. Four students per table in two columns. So, I would use this layout simply so students are aware of what to expect when entering an exam room. Observational learning (as promoted by Bandura) is therefore ideal in this situation. The U-shape or the horseshoe. 1. Many "U's". Obviously, there are a number of factors that will influence the seating arrangement that will work in your classroom. Thanks again. Forty years ago, US environmental psychologist Professor Robert Sommer had this to say about choosing a classroom layout. Pros Easy to separate students that dont work well together, everyone faces the front, Pros Discourages talking, everyone faces the front, great for testing, Cons Takes up a lot of space, not good for group work, Cons Some students do not face the front, difficult to get to all students, Pros Leaves space in the middle for activities, easy to share materials, Cons Some students do not face the front. 1. Pros All students are facing toward the front, Cons Its hard to get to the students in the back row, Pros Saves space in your classroom, sharing materials is easy, Cons Some students have to turn to face the front, Cons Some students have their backs to the front, Pros Everyone faces toward the front, a little easier to get to all the kids than with the traditional horseshoe, Cons Takes up a lot of space, hard to share materials, Pros Everyone faces toward the front, its easy to get near all students, Pros Everyone faces toward the front, easy to get to all students. Ive done a lot of experimenting with desk arrangements over the years. Social learning. It appears a deliberate design feature of this layout that students do not have shared desk space and have no peers directly facing them. How you set up your desks affects: Because of this, I have create 13 different desk arrangements that you can try. The student desk arrangement in the photo below is the one that I've found fits best so far. Cons to pods desk configuration include: Lets face it, in a classroom of 30 or so students, there are going to be a variety of learning styles and learning requirements. Best of luck to you this year! The long rows mean students are often tripping over each others chairs when trying to get in and out of their space. In other words, if you think changing your tables is going to solve your problems, youre probably not going to see results. The rest will be the audience. Theoretical Connection: Behaviorist theory of teaching and learning. As all desks are attached, wires can be fed under the desks to prevent dangerous wires blocking walkways. I also liked this set up for flow and movability. It was also easy for group work. Am I right? When working with groups of four students get to sit with others all the time. I really like this arrangement and also works well if you dont have a large room. Sometimes, students have to work in groups, sometimes you give a presentation, sometimes you do some corner work. Modifications are also common in universal design for learning setups. Your classroom can still feel "open," even with numerous desks. Your email address will not be published. It works well for group work as well as partners or teams. I have a smart board at the back of the room and white board at the front. One corner where students get more instructions, the other has expansion exercises, one corner has noise-canceling headphones so students can concentrate, etc. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. This grid-type arrangement is done without consideration of the center's popularity or the amount of furniture needed to equip the area. "Unfortunately, with my large classes it's really hard to do." Each student has a favorite type of arrangement for many different reasons. This arrangement allows for easy movement and interaction between students, as well as visibility and accessibility for the teacher. Explore resources by theme, topic, strategies, or events. Weve all been there. When youre in a classroom with student desks and computers, you can use this classroom layout. Hi Tameka, Voila, nobody had to face backwards. However, when I had 32 students, this arrangement was virtually impossible because of space. BUT, thanks to the awesome teachers in our Lucky 2nd Grade Teachers Facebook Group, check out these cute ways to arrange triangle desks. It gives you much more freedom as you can draw your own classroom setup. The stadium method pivots all student desks so theyre directly facing the action zone in the front middle of the class. and adapt them with your own content. We need to think about inclusion in every aspect of a classroom layout. Subscribe to our curated library of teacher-designed resources and tools for You can also do groups of three and cut out one of the rows. Studentsshould always cross-check any information on this site with their course teacher. #orphaned-shortcode-73587ade7db4aba2968e88bca7e832dd > i { It is also possible to use this layout for computer-connected classrooms. Its very cozy but has some disadvantages as well. Thank you Hannah for sharing. It sounds like a great use of space. Have students use the free space in the middle of the class to present their content or have guests give their presentations in the middle space. Feb 20, 2019 - Ways to switch up classroom seating throughout the year you encourage various forms of learning (ie: group work, individual work, tests, partners). Also very good for guided practice which involves a lot of presentation and modelling from the teacher before students get to have a go themselves. PIG activities (partner, individual, group). Sociocultural learning theory highlights that social interaction is integral for learning development. 33, sheesh! Curved Desks. Classroom design can impact student social participation; however, there is a lack of current research focused on effects of . Seating: Similar to a school arrangement with participants seated behind a row of desks or tables. Here, the teacher cant give any one-on-one feedback as its hard to reach students in the middle. This layout is a textbook example of a behaviorist approach, whereby the teacher delivers truths to students and the students practice what is taught in isolation. Theoretical Connection: One-to-many Method. Which arrangements am I missing? There is no single classroom seating arrangement that promotes positive behavioural and academic outcomes for all tasks, because the available research clearly indicates that the nature (i.e., interactive versus independent) of the task should dictate the arrangement.. . Your email address will not be published. With younger students, I get them to sit at the front of the class for more intimate discussions. Expand what's possible for every student. Let your students work individually, yet they sit together. A classroom desk arrangement for 20 students or more, this one Horseshoe/U-Shape. Add desks, chairs, storage, bookshelves, etc to design and plan your ideal classroom layout. That's great to hear Augusta! Amazon's Choice Flash Furniture Billie Student Desk - Natural Open Front Metal School Desk - 24"W x 18"D Adjustable Height, Durable Desk for School or Remote Learning Save time planning and be sure to teach all the standards with curriculum maps! When I wanted to do group work I had those two small rows push their desks together in a cluster or just have kids move their chairs so they were looking at eachother across the desks. For example, its harder for the teacher to go around in the classroom. Split your classroom into two large groups. This desk arrangement is OH SO CUTE. The O-shape layout has the desks in a complete closed circle so all students are facing one another. This variation is commonly used in large classes where students cannot fit in just one horseshoe shape. Teachers can use this design during a lab or an activity that has rotating stations. Whatever arrangement (s) you use, be sure students can enter and exit the classroom efficiently and backpacks, electrical cords, and other materials can be kept out of the walkways. The AmpliVox Multimedia Smart Podium is a great presentation center for large classrooms. This is another one of my favorites if you have a wide room. Im always tripping over someone or something! I always have six groups; three groups in front and three groups behind. Repeat this a few times if you have enough classroom space. In the small group clusters two pairs faced each other with a fifth person at the back of each group facing front. All students face forward at the front of the classroom allowing all students clear vision of the front of the classroom. The classroom scene at McCormick is unusual, but it may soon be a common fixture() in American schools, where Chinese is rapidly becoming the hot new language. Black (3) Black (3) Facet Value. The teacher can also stand in the middle of the circle and very easily move from student-to-student or give science demonstrations. Thank you for all of these amazing ideas! Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab0d9ab61778773b71b9b7989e34a5e6" );document.getElementById("cd4d278312").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Sign up below to join over 180,000 teachers who are getting our Sunday emails sent to them every week! I've done a lot of experimenting with desk arrangements over the years. Your email address will not be published. FREE delivery Thu, Jan 19. Additionally, this arrangement frees up a lot of space in the classroom. Hi Hannah! It also helps save space if you dont have a large room. It's more fun with two but still gives you a nice overview. This format tends to fade away as students get older and teaching styles move away from play-based and hands-on learning. Ive provided classroom diagrams (images) for each layout below: The classroom layout with tables which form groups is common in early years and elementary / primary school classrooms. Love these! Getting students to pretend they are a board of directors can have them mock real-life workforce situations. Its also nice to offer more support to the groups of two as needed. In particular, I have had students with autism struggle in these spaces. So basically two long tables made from three tables each and one middle aisle. Constructivism emphasizes discovery learning, project-based tasks and exploration for learning. Similarly, they may not be able to reach the resources in the middle of the table. Also, if you are a teacher who finds the competition of group points works well to keep your students on task this desk layout is a winner! Depending on the size of my biggest class each year, these groups may have 4-5 desks. Fitspo and other motivational content is all the rage today. I also have couches, bean bag chairs, and a pub table around the room as other options. This layout can also be excellent for sharing resources. Walking between every row and checking on the kids will be like a dream come true for you. In this post, Ill show you 19 possible classroom seating arrangements. Take a breath! Arrangement with Two E-shaped Desks This is the most common arrangement we utilized. Their space so theyre directly facing them as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases top is to... There are a board of directors can have them mock real-life workforce situations more, this layout wont suit classroom. 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