In between those bouts lie small but essential periods of achievement. We accomplished this mission because of our strength-We are 36 nations united in purpose, with an ability to always work together. And more importantly, yesterdays accomplishments do not make tomorrows results. leader, change of responsibility incoming speech example asktop net, me and my boys change of responsibility, 743d mi battalion bids farewell to command sgt maj, 1sg justin c pearson speech change of responsibility ceremony 6 7 12 1sg justin c pearson 7, us army company change of command script, how to write a change of command speech as . The evident success of the transition and the Stabilization Force can be attributed widely to the troops and to their commander, General Bill Crouch. -Glad you mentioned to thank the VIPs, senior enlisted CSM or 1SG, and spouse, so also consider mentioning the command Chief Warrant Officer if there is one. To General Bill Crouch, we know what it has taken, Sir, to have brought us this far. My thanks go to Lt. Gen. (Phillipe Monsieux) for his marvelous performance, for the special friendship of Lt. Gen. Cordy-Simpson and Maj. Gen. Jack (Nicks), which goes back many years; I'm very grateful. Complete Archive of Military Leader Posts. mouseoverdelay: 200, //if revealtype="mouseover", set delay in milliseconds before header expands onMouseover We will be sorry to lose outgoing commander's name. I'm really grateful that both of you chose to oversee this company change of command instead of taking the opportunity to celebrate Christmas on an island in the Bahamas. Chances are youve been in one of the following situations: a member of a formation suffering under a long change of command speech; an audience member embarrassed for the speaking commander because his speech is really bad; or a soon-to-be ex-commander staring at a blank page on the morning of your own departure speech. Standing here now, I recall my first visits to this city in mid-1994. Your email address will not be published. On behalf of each of the troopers of SFOR, thank you, and God speed as you prepare to leave Europe. To the people of Bosnia Herzegovina, let me say simply: We stand for peace. April 30th, 2018 - Promotion Speech Genre Sample Promotion Speeches These promotion speech samples were all written by sixth . Thats because Sheila left me six months ago when I had to skip our 10th anniversary trip to Jamaica so I could come in on a Sunday for unit PT, since one of you dipshits decided to go out and get his third DUI. 1. The Military Leader is hosted by an Army Infantry officer with 22 years experience and five deployments to Iraq/Afghanistan. Perhaps no one symbolizes our strengths more than the Commander of LANDCENT Support Command, Col. (Don Brunner), who met the simultaneous challenges of commanding LANDCENT's Support Command in Heidelberg, moving us here to Sarajevo and transforming our surroundings to what you see today. Perhaps it is a perk of my position that I have been a part of that wider scheme. I am grateful for your loyalty since I took over this command. SFOR is an outstanding example of international cooperation, and General Shinseki will carry forward the standard of peace. contentclass: "sample-speech-expander-text", //Shared CSS class name of contents group If this site has enriched your own life, made you a better thinker and military leader please consider aiding its sustenance with a one-time or loyal donation. He has high standards, he pushes his/her staff hard, but it is no more than what he knows the capable members of unit name can do. -If its a smoking hot day and a long ceremony, make the speech shorter, or even (for really long ceremonies like Division and higher) consider asking the Soldiers on the field to take a knee, if even for a few seconds. Introduction: welcome the guests, but dont run down the entire laundry list of guests. Firmness and fairness have been his watchwords and he has carried out the duties (indiscernible). To the troopers of IFOR, I salute your accomplishments. Mention people who made significant contributions to the success of your command. They are often situations that we have envisaged and for which we have planned. The Parade Sergeant Major is Regimental Sergeant Major David Smith. I am grateful for your friendship and support. toggleclass: ["", "sample-speech-expander-open"], //Two CSS classes to be applied to the header when it's collapsed and expanded, respectively ["class1", "class2"] When you look at unit names accomplishments over the last few years, its apparent that outgoing commander's name and his/her team have contributed vastly to installation name and our team. //do nothing Its been a great privilege working with you all, working to develop you and watching you grow. Whatever badges we wear we are all united in one armed force with the aim of defending our nation. In the years to come, let us to be able to look back on our work here and proudly say that we were Dayton, that without us, the children of the Balkans would have suffered the same kind of bleak futures that their parents had endured. Those hard discussions have been game changers in my professional development. To achieve this feat, shape your speech around these four "Thank You" points: family and guests of honor, new group and wing commander, your predecessor, and your new squadron you have been charged to lead. The headquarters then took over the Implementation Force mission and soon became the headquarters for the Stabilization Force. Our resolve is firm; help us to craft for you a future far, far different than the history you have known. They mention the camaraderie and support you got and the sense of duty of your troops. But today, Sarajevo is again a bustling city--Stores and shops reopened, a market square that's safe again for citizens to shop, meet and discuss the issues of the day. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Great pointers! Command Equal Opportunity Statement: Three sentences or five pages? "I know the Rock of the Marne will stand solid" or "Don't forget, Sabers will always stay sharp" or "Watch out for the bulldogs! With it go incidents and acts that are enshrined in the hearts of those who have served with it. The higher-up the change and the larger the ceremony, the more formal your remarks should be. There has to be consolidation and there has to be economy of scale. Go find the next the next MIDN, ENS, LT Laney, and go pour yourself into and develop that person. She is a renowned speech coach and has crafted memorable speeches for influencers, politicians, entrepreneurs, Olympians, NFL stars, astronauts, rap stars, artists, and activists. This headquarters is both joint and combined, and in many ways, a practical example of NATO's new concepts. That's the symbol of the success of the mission of NATO, but it's not enough. The international community remains determined and united in the implementation of the Peace Agreement. When thinking about today there are two terms that I use and frequently come back to. Some good, some not so, but they all follow a typical pattern. Twenty-two months is a long time to command a logistics company. The change of command speech is important but it can sneak up on you in the distracted days before the big event. Hollywood Reporter Entertainment News. Introduction: go ahead and thank the key guests for attending. Robert, Now, you cant do everything, and its unfortunate that even the best forward support company in the world cant execute every mission perfectly. First Sergeant Lopez, who taught me that you can do nothing in the Army, without the support of a solid, capable, and trusted NCO Corps to manage every step of the process. The troops, and express gratitude for the honor of joining their team, Write two sentences about the privilege to command and how youre looking forward to what the future will bring. (30 seconds - 1 minute) 2. Thats who I am and I feel no guilt about it. He has been an exceptional driving force in the installation name, and a great colleague. You can tell interesting or funny anecdotes about your time there, but make sure anything you tell is respectful and doesn't embarrass anyone. How to write a Change of command speech as Outgoing Commander. In between those bouts lie small but essential periods of achievement. May you always continue to guard it in your own special way. How to write a Change of command speech as Outgoing Commander May 2nd, 2018 - A change of command speech or . Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse! In general, If the ceremony will be in a comfortable environment, there are no other keynote speakers and most people will be sitting, you can speak for 10-12 minutes. The outgoing commander usually speaks first, or they speak right after the key note speaker, typically the highest commander present or that commander's new boss. Formerly many things, including theology student, mime, jr. high Latin teacher, and Army logistics officer. When in doubt, ask your protocol office for help identifying who should be recognized. These are things that I shall add to the new duties and responsibilities that a new posting will offer me. who wishes to address his/her troops when a regiment is being disbanded. General William Crouch, outgoing Commander of SFOR: General Widder, Regimental Sergeant Major Smith, thank you for this great looking formation. Again, to General Crouch, well done. Your successor, General Shinseki, will carry on the work and, like you, will face a number of challenges in completing the SFOR mission. This same spirit is embedded in each of our troopers and all of our units, whether the nationality is Czech, Russian, German, U.S., French, British or Spanish, the resolve, dedication and sacrifice of each young soldier, regardless of circumstance, has been an inspiration. We do however use affiliate links through Amazon to help pay for hosting this website. Again, you will have the entirety of your tour to say what you want to multiple audiences, so the best thing you can do at the ceremony is graciously accepting the honor during your speechand exit as quickly and professionally as possible. Professionalism of the troopers present here represents the quality of the soldiers from the many nations who make up the Stabilization Force. No situation of conflict or readiness can be viewed in isolation. Most importantly, thank your spouse and family. So for twenty-two months, I have watched this company. (1-2 minutes), Say how great the new commander is going to be. Incoming: 45 seconds Everything in the ceremony is determined by crisp, precise military action, full of dignity and courtesy. A dark horse is the horse in the race that nobody even expects to show. I expect only your best efforts, from personal discipline to professional readiness. By this time the crowd feels plenty thanked.In my three for four minutes that the oncoming Commander has allotted for a Change of Command speech, I decided to do things a bit differently.Rather than spending the first 3 minutes of my speech thanking individuals, I intend on spending my short time on the stage expressing appreciation for the specific mentorship and personal development energy that others put into me. (Fill in with specific accomplishments). Treat the people of this nation with fairness and with respect. Marge and I are delighted to rejoin the STRATCOM family and we look forward to all we will accomplish together. What I am saying is that, despite these feelings, you have always been good soldiers with all that implies. You're accountable to the people of this country, to the 36 nations of this coalition. This speech is suitable for a C.O. Distinguished Guests, General name of VIP here and Mrs. name of VIP's spouse here, and (name any VIPs such as generals or civic leaders such as mayors and their spouses who should be recognized - ask protocol for help); Welcome to todays ceremony and thank you for attending this important occasion. Miles T. Gengler, Commander USA NATO Brigade, Sembach, Germany makes a speech for the Allied Forces North Battalion (AFNORTH Battalion) Change of Command Ceremony, Bldg. Like humor, its used often, but rarely effective. Secretary General Dr. Solana, your Excellencies, SACEUR, General Clark, Mr. Westendorp and other Principals, fellow general officers and flag officers, all of you gallant troopers of SFOR, ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you for joining us at this final formation that General Bill Crouch stands with SFOR. Top, I saw you bring together people who might not have wanted to be brought together, hand them a problem, and walk them through to a method for success. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. The Essay Format Any Beginner Should Follow. Company. The Stabilization Force has built on those achievements in the seven months of its mission to date, but there's much more to be done. Thank you, troops. Its more of a common thing at higher command levels now, and its easy to overlook the Ws in addition to the Os and Es. Have a copy of your bio and official photo ready to send to them. Your reasons for not saying All policies make sense too. Remember, you have the remainder of your tour to enjoy being a commander! Today is the day when we can publicly express our thanks to you, General, for a job well done. NATO, IFOR, and now SFOR have given Bosnia and Herzegovina a chance for reconstruction. Youll notice my wife and daughters arent here sitting in the audience today. It can return to that. Our strengths did not happen by accident; we owe a debt of gratitude to General (Sir Jeremy Mackenzie) and Major General (John Durvankiavitz), who built a terrific headquarters organization and worked with separate nations to ensure that it was adequately resourced. All of the best wishes of the people present here and your troopers are with you, and we know you will enjoy great success. If you don't know him or her, you can say you've heard great things about them and you're confident they will do a great job. Thank you. Your email address will not be published. Id like to offer my thanks to you Youve served me well and though I rue The disbanding of the regiment we held dear The future beckons and to me it is clear That youll always be what youve been for me The best troops of all in the military. General Crouch has significantly improved the synchronization of civil-military cooperation. If you have a Military Change of Command speech, either oncoming or off going, that you would like to share with the DODReads audience please drop us a line and let us know. Rise To Your Potential with gabriel "gaberock" avilla. To the troops of the Stabilization Force, we're all grateful for your sacrifices and for your outstanding performance of duty. The outgoing commander's name has done an excellent job in ensuring every Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine was superbly trained, mentally and physically fit, and prepared to meet the demands of a deployment. Its always a cliffhanger at every speech to see if the guy will say All policies Youre right; good rule of thumb for incoming guy cant go too short! I do so with pleasure, on behalf of the North Atlantic Council and all nations participating in SFOR. DO NOT NOT NOT forget to thank your spouse! Professionalism of the troopers present here represents the quality of the soldiers from the many nations who make up the Stabilization Force. Personally I offer my thanks to you for that commitment. The mission continues. As mentioned before, the ceremony is driven through customs and courtesies driving by Protocol, so much of the event will run itself (assuming you have an on-point project officer for the event). Honor fallen/wounded Soldiers, as appropriate. The off-going Commander, who should be the most thankful person in the room for his successful command tour then steps up and takes the pulpit. General Bill Crouch, who hands over command of SFOR today, has been one of the architects of success in Bosnia. Now under your command, the soldiers probably had nothing to do with your posting, but your leadership will only be successful if they feel part of the team. This means if you purchase a book through one of my links I will receive a small commission. Thank the squadron you are joining for allowing you to be part of the team and express that you intend to work with them. Lt. Col. Stewart relinquished command of the battalion to Lt. Col. Matthew MacNeilly during a ceremony at Fort Wainwright, Alaska July 2, 2012. If it is an indoor ceremony or the weather is pleasant (stand in the sun for 5 minutes and test this for yourself), you can go from 6-9 minutes. I should put it on your Comment Page. The outgoing commander's name has done an excellent job in ensuring every Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine was superbly trained, mentally and physically fit, and prepared to meet the demands of a deployment. I used the All policies line in my last incoming speech, but due to the phrasing immediately prior it ended up being more of a punchline. The colors have traditionally been at the forefront of the formation, signifying the stability and unity of an organization. Perhaps now is a time to consider just why we joined the forces and why we continue to serve our country. But let there be no misunderstanding: SFOR will fulfill its mandate in every respect. I shall never forget your devotion to duty nor the friendships that have grown out of that. Thank you for weighing-in, great advice! I can therefore say without doubt that you should be very proud of what we have achieved here. I am preparing for a job interview (non-military) for which I am required to present a 15 discussion on an industry-specific topic and I am going to use your tips in preparing. And youve seen us do it wrong, and remembered to never do it that way again. You and your fellow leaders signed at Dayton. Thank your family for their support so far and for agreeing to support you in your new posting. Be safe; your well-being is important to all of us, and especially to me. Vince Miller's change of command speech: Good morning everyone. Or you can also say something about the unit - the motto or nicknames work well - and wrap that into a closing. Everything in the ceremony is determined by crisp, precise military action, full of dignity and courtesy. LTC Camarano, thank you for your remarks, and COL Van Zandt, thank you for your presence at this event. I can assist you with getting free books or provide a quote for a complete set of books for your Supply Officer. Announcer: At this time, General Crouch will move forward to unveil a statue which formerly sat in the center of the fountain in this former park area of Ilidza. He holds off in the back; and then suddenly he surprises everyone by breaking out and taking the lead. Among the troop formation are the national flags of the 36 troop-contributing nations. Thank you for never quitting, for always accomplishing the mission. A change of command speech or change of responsibility speech have the same basic structure whether it is for Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard. Dark Horse. When our squadron staff received news a change of command would occur, we immediately initiated planning through the military decision-making process (MDMP). Further, I appreciate the hand of Maj. Gen. Werner Widder and the bright contributions of my political advisor, (Meta Nielson). You have done your duty with a willingness and enthusiasm that would be hard to match. These speeches are ideal for you if you are an outgoing marine commander at a change of command ceremony. You have done what I have asked of you and given far more. He thanks the guest, his extended family, wife and kids, personal guests, his Command, the Chiefs, Petty Officers, Officers, his Commodore, the Commodores staff, and on and on and on.Finally, the oncoming Commander takes the floor. International News Latest World News Videos amp Photos. Ive heard nothing but great things about her abilities. Company B, 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade change of command between Capt. onemustopen: false, //Specify whether at least one header should be open always (so never all headers closed) Gary Lamb, thanks as always for the performance of the United States Army Europe Band. And to General (Dider Stegman), whose supported us consistently with people and who managed our key leader training. Bosnia Herzegovina is safer today than it was 18 months ago, and yet, as you have heard and observed several times, the full peace envisioned by Dayton has not been achieved. true/false The change of command ceremony formally transferred command of the 36th AS from Lt. Col. Steven Massie II to Coffey. Of scale Crouch has significantly improved the synchronization of civil-military cooperation acts that enshrined. The motto or nicknames work well - and outgoing commander change of command speech samples that into a closing like,. The 36th as from Lt. Col. 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