In recent years, Pete has become well known for several highly popular books, including How the Bible Actually Works, The Bible Tells Me So, and the book we discussed with him today: The Sin of Certainty. Culturally, we tend to have a project-based approach toward church life. 298 . How do you know these are HIS words? Now as to whether what the historical eyewitness claims he experienced is a real supernatural phenomenon well that is where faith comes in. It does though offer means to consider qualitative differences. Thoughts. Presume? As is our deference in religious spheres to authorities revelations. Heh, that brings back memories of being taught as a child that every breath I took was the providential, direct action of Jesus. Most people seem to have never seen or heard a literal voice of God like Abraham or Noah allegedly received. Yes, no matter what words we employ we can never do justice to the experience. Enns prefers this approach because it supports his view of Adam as proto-Israel (107) and maintains an Israel-centered focus rather than a universal one (106). He has taught courses at several other institutions including Harvard University, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Princeton Theological Seminary. Personally, I talk to God, make intercession, and he orchestrates reality beyond the sphere of my influence or capability to manipulate the results. On the contrary, I have never been disappointed by God. Now, whether this evidence is good evidence or not. Thank you Joseph. I read the first chapter or whatever was free that you sent. It is knowing of a different order. And I would suggest this hypothetical is realized in all actuality within spiritual perception. Ted Cruz proudly stated that any president who doesnt pray on his knees to Jesus Christ every day isnt fit to be commander-in-chief. [pp. Thanks in advance for your thoughts. I use the words intelligent and basis. The question presumes that belief in God is something to be settled on the basis of intelligence, education, knowledge of facts, etc. Thatjust doesnt work for me. If this is my basis, Im as comfortable (maybe more comfortable) with a Great Spirit of native Americans as I am with a YHWH of Israel. 1 Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Regardless of Paul's (faulty, through no fault of his own) view of human origins, three very important elements remain in his theology, despite the acceptance of evolution: 1. (edited with Chris Wlezien). The gathered Body of Christ? Or the mega church movement, to try and get and sustain even a greater Jesus high. There do not exist words in any language to specify or define His qualities, peculiarities, characteristics and singularities. Differing, I believe there are grounds for excluding ones own or other faiths. The idea there is magic in the universe is ridiculous, childish, and completely impossible. He has taught courses at several other institutions including Harvard University, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Princeton Theological Seminary. One of the things I wonder is how these two general groups not talk past each other. And the crash can be hard, just look at Mother Teresas painful decades long crash after getting high on Jesus in her teen years. There are surely myriad of ways of knowing God In the provIsIons that are avaIlable to each one of us, As one is riding the Starlight Express propelled through time experiencing mAturity, old Age And deAth. Agnostics cant figure it out. He is a former Senior Fellow of Biblical Studies for BioLogos and author of many books and commentaries, including Inspiration and Incarnation, The Evolution of Adam, and The Bible Tells Me So.His most recent book is The Sin of Certainty: Why God Desires Our Trust More Than Our "Correct" Beliefs. You can although quite innadequately (as with so many other things in life), still put them on the table. 2. While specific sins against a particular God, prophet, holy book, holy place, or sacrament, are as diverse as could be. You will know whom I mean, Atheism may be comparatively popular with God himself, When a pious visitor inquired sweetly, Henry, have you made your peace with God? he replied, We have never quarreled., Henry David Thoreau as quoted in Henry David Thoreau: What Manner of Man? Alot of us have reached the point where the only left left to do is bring people together despite our differences. But, that we ourselves interact, relate, care, love is even more important. as yours. The realm of the elohim and the realm of the seen (1 sam 28.13). Of course, it helps that I have absolutely no expectations of him whatsoever. It is into this "cross-pressured" situation that Peter Enns wades with this new book, The . What should be the impact? Many people arrive at different conclusions (that is fine) and see things differently doubt is a complex subject that will not fully be flushed out in this conversation. But it takes the work of the Spirit of God in ones life to actually believe and rely upon these evidences. I am married and trust my wife but like anything, marriage is a complete trust that the other person will be faithful (for better or worse) we live in the tensions of trusting people everyday (even strangers we do not know who drive vehicles). Love, compassion, empathy, etc. Here might be some: Healing, forgiveness, graciousness, redemption, justice, protection, universality. Youre closer than you think. So 2 Peter was written by sure are you on that? The reason many do not talk more about these issues are beyond me (I say that knowing that many do in fact talk about these tensions Pete is one of them). I have written on Peter Enns before on our blog (see the link in the analysis to Evans' book) but seeing his name again led me to look up Enns and I found he wrote a recent piece on his blog titled "How Can I Trust the Bible . These failures in relationships (failure to relate, especially failure to love) are far more damaging than our many failures to understand, our sessions of doubt or even our failures to understand how we know. I am sincerely interested in your thoughts on two ideas. Twelve years later, Old Testament scholar Peter Enns has confirmed my suspicions, . You just need to go a little further, Peter. Olof Pedersn is Professor emeritus in Assyriology is studying at the University of Uppsala. While the truth of non-material claims can not be measured, the effects of the beliefs in them can be considered and studied. Thanks for this post. Which does seem not tranrational but rather irrational. In fact, if comparisons between spiritual experience seem to demonstrate anything, it is that perhaps the only objectively true thing we can say about it is that it is a very unreliable means of experience vulnerable to various illusions of reality. Previously he was a Senior Fellow of . Having beliefs was like always clinging tightly to something in the water to keep one afloat, always being afraid of letting go and learning to swim in the sea of faith. Then once that person starts walking with God God (should) will reveal the truth to them. Here's the heart of it: 'Westminster Theological Seminary's board voted to suspend tenured professor Peter Enns last week after a two-year theological debate over his 2005 book, Inspiration and Incarnation. Well that seems to me to be more of a way of guessing then? And it is that faith that is pleasing to God, and further that faith is a gift from God in the first place. (Yawn.) Dr. Enns resides in Lansdale, PA with his wife Sue, and has three adult children. 1300 Eagle Road However, today, philosophers who reject Cartesian or Substance Dualism acknowledge that subjective states like color, pain, and thoughts are objectively real using empirical tools. This implies that Joker3857 believes that one cannot be a christian if they think the bible to have errors. Dr. Peter Enns (PhD, Harvard University) is Abram S. Clemens professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University, St. Davids, PA. I said that when it comes to experiences, peoples experience of Allah or Yahweh or Jesus or Krishna or Buddha lay along a wide spectrum. He likes to tell stories about the messy Bible and is the author of The Bible Tells Me So, The Sin of Certainty, and How the Bible Actually Works. But you do know that you know because your knowing has a depth and immediacy to it that is never present in simply knowingabout thingseven merely knowing about God. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. And I am not sure about the analogy concerning trusting your wife, unless you wake up everyday lying literally next to a flesh and blood Jesus who literally speaks with you or even makes you breakfast some mornings. These are subjective, private experiences. When asked, do you believe God exists?, I cant help but response with, what do you mean by God?'. Rather, knowledge of God is described by terms like: immediacy Im not discounting the importance of thinking through these deep questions. It is based on direct and personal encounter. . Thankfully it is much less today. As revealed clearly in the scriptures, God is raising up out of this raging cauldron of sin pain and suffering adopted sons(and daughters) who will embrace the process of being transformed by their tests and trials into those who will be worthy of ruling and reigning with Him throughout eternity. If we raise it all today (or tomorrow or Wednesday tbh) we're going to make. 2) Do their beliefs about God or Gods or whatever bring us to harming the other or the world, or bring us to healing and redeeming? People who can conceive N concepts of God seem more adapt at considering the one concept of God of the person who can conceive one concept of God than people who can conceive one concept of God making sense of the N concepts of God of the others schema. And there are child-rearing costs to and constraints concerning size of head vs. size of pelvis. What does is look like to seek God? Peter Enns (Ph.D., Harvard University) is Abram S. Clemens professor of biblical studies at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. wouldnt it be more appropriate to say that its possibly an I witness account..the sin of certainty. Did you see the same thing I saw? Does it mean that same thing to you?. Your argument for disbelief is foolish, because God cannot be like any of the things perceived by the senses, nor can He be said to bear any resemblance to anything which has to undergo an ordeal of change and decay. One big reason is that I am convinced I would already be dead many times over without Gods guidance. The coding and operation of these systems is communicated in the sermons and recommended literature. I'm an author and biblical scholar. So please do not think I am trying to quantitize it in some scientific sense. . 3. That is a blessing from God. However, I think you are confusing or conflating the experience of God with the existence of God. Such a person in fact believes Him to exist in Parts. As claimed, the Incarnation passed through our material and human existence. ), In chapter 5 Learning from the Christian Mystics Benner discusses a knowledge of God that is transrational and contemplative.. Certainly, too many Islamists (by no means all) are tragically attempting to force their beliefs on others, and the result is ISIS, AQ, Boko Haram, and too many other groups. None the less, I believe in Democracy and think Iron Man is awesome. I want to be like you. And I echo your sentiments on the value of a more contemplative way of life. I am committed to encouraging young Christian men and women to explore their faith by engaging Scripture, and in so doing make their faith their own and mature as followers of Christ. Catholics see Angels, Mary and Jesus, Protestants usually just see Angels and Jesus, and one Protestant apparently saw a talking Bible in his NDE, while another claims to have been to heaven dozens of times and seen images from everything In Revelation, and Mormons have their own NDE bulletin, Betty Eade had a bestseller about meeting a Mormon Jesus who was not God, universalist NDEs, then there are Hindu and Buddhist visions and NDEs, like seeing a talking Buddhist turtle god, while native Americans have totem animal visions, and New Agers and some other folks claims to have seen Angels, UFOs, aliens of different species. But our access to the world of the Spirit is made possible by the existence of our own spirit. Usually we treat eye-witness testimonies as valid proofs of an experience, especially when they corroborate key elements of the same story (granted one can misinterpret what their senses tell them). Basis for my response: 2 Peter 1:15 to 2 Peter 2:2. Dave Burbank Which then opens up the question of what reality it what knowing we are engaged in. Westminster Theological Seminary If I have the experience of perceiving spiraling motion when looking upon a static optical illusion, you cannot deny that I have the experience of perceiving motion. He has written numerous books, including The Bible Tells Me So, The Sin of Certainty, and How the Bible Actually Works. True mystics do experience God in a tangible manner that is more real than anything that could ever be experienced through the five senses although those senses may be secondarily affected. Instead only their book features inspired writingsthe truth and stories necessary to believe, and of course conservatives, moderates and liberals differ concerning what that book really means or what the most essential and necessary lessons are. How we study and understand these relationships, and their separate parts, and the enjoyment of the results of that understanding, are very important, fulfilling, stretching etc. Enns' view is that the Bible is essentially a human collection (s) of different stories (by different authors/editors) that have a common reference to "God". It is vitally important that we respond with a yes when He calls, and this is why humility is sooo important. First, let me say that I hold to the position that without faith one cannot please God His words, not mine. It certainly seems that way as we compare the experiences of people across faiths. The way we organize socially as spiritual communities reflects how we organize the project of faith internally. where Paul regards Adam's disobedience as the cause of universal sin and death from which humanity is redeemed through the obedience of Christ. Contemplation is apprehension uncluttered by thoughtparticularly preconception and analysis. Just trust in Him. Such as I would imagine the Eastern Orthodox who are known for such practice and perspective on faith. Frank Schaeffer is an interesting fellow, son of the Apologist Francis Schaeffer, and co-founder with his dad and other prominent Evangelicals in the 1970s of Americas Religious Right and also the Right to Life Movement. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where "'the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched.' Download Free PDF View PDF. This happens not in our mind, but in our spirit. I agree that post-enlightenment empiricism is never going to lead to genuine interaction with the creator, but what about prayer? Whoever accepts His Attributes to be other than His Person then actually forsakes the idea of Unity of God and believes in duality ( He and His Attributes). Id suggest there are other qualitative characteristics too. He affirms that Israel's laws were not new in content but were uniquely in that they were connected to a monotheistic community-Israel (57). An Atheist that believes in God. When I gave up the notion of God, I did not give up on the experiences of participation, longing, fullness, contemplativeness, depth, and immediacy. But let us then continue this comparison to Buddhism. Most Evangelicals find themselves on that path when their evidence takes a beating and they retreat to the world of mystery. I count it a great privilege to help students keep their horizons in front of them and come to know God better on their life-journey. Introduction to the Old Testament; Introduction to the New Testament; Biblical Hermeneutics; Israelite History and Historiography; Hebrew Prophets; Romans in Context; Genesis in Context; Research Methods in Biblical Studies; From Conquest to Exile; Wisdom and Psalms; Science and the Bible; Torah. 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