The. Organizations have to recognize the benefits of diversity and, Humans are unique in so many ways that each have their own personality, skills, knowledge, and attributes that varies from one another. Not that many women were able to work due to mens superiority. In this essay, I will base on seven topics and the reviews of week two to week eleven for sharing my learning in this course and what other knowledge about certain topics I know. Having different cultures and education mixed together can make people bring their ideas to the table and create new ideas from each person 's, Because of their new social identity as men, their work is often more valued, and they can receive advantages such as more authority and financial gains. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity. I am a white-passing Native American female, who lived in a city which has a predominantly, 63.7 percent, Black population.. 1.Only when all other topics have been discussed. In this system being white is a norm and dominant power. The diversity issues involving gender, sexuality, race, age, culture and religion will be explored, and the benefits that diversity training brings in each area will be outlined., Hitt, M. A., Black, J. S., & Porter, L. W. (2012). The ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships: Going abroad is beneficial for the employee because he/her gains experience that may be invaluable for their career and challenge them to increase their understanding and appreciation of differences across cultures [3](Baur & Erdogan, 2016)., Diversity is the force of many dimensions that become the building blocks to numerous organizations existing. And as members of these various groups struggled for recognition, they developed a new sense of pride in what made them distinctive., Diversity brings equality into the work placement. Diversity plays a major factor in bringing an environmental friendly atmosphere. - Ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships - Employers who are able to accept and make appropriate allowances for their workers differences are likely to have happier employees, as a result., Diversity is a very important part in today 's workforce. That resource is my mind. Work force diversity is basically the study of different variety of people working in a workplace. Diversity is our individual differences in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, race, or other dimensions (2015, P.327). When I first heard this phrase I was convinced the officer and the city workers were just worried for my friends, who happened to be African-American and Latino, and I as a whole and just chose me out of the group to speak to. For instance, women are more rational in maintaining task in small groups than men, while men are more into the task itself in small, This will help the company be different from the other companies out there and have a lot more to offer for the success. Cultural values and beliefs provide a framework for people to make assumptions about and respond to their situations and or circumstances. A healthy working environment is centred on diverse people in a place of work were staffs and employees feel acknowledged for the effort they do and are urged to keep up a healthy lifestyle. This training on cultural diversity encouraged me to examine and re-evaluate my personal belief system, the principles and opinions and attitudes I hold dear, and the significant issues of life we encounter in the workplace and in the general community. Workplace Bomb Threat Staff work at a community centre that runs. This paper is going to take these characteristics and examine the impact of each on individual behavior., Green, K. A., Lopez, M., Wysocki, A., & Kepner. But I soon realized, at quite a young age, just how wrong I was., This research paper addresses the importance of diversity training in the workplace. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. It was discussed in the group that diversity in the workplace is the managers responsibility, Cultural Diversity Training When considering the diversity of the class members, we will celebrate the uniqueness that the differences contribute. But I soon realized, at quite a young age, just how wrong I was. Due to my current experience, it is no surprise that I score high within this assessment. In our neighborhood, there are many different cultures and people from different backgrounds, most of whom I have never gained interest orient myself with . who are examples of leaders that have shown good ethical traits and where can i find information about them? Discrimination is most often related to race. I believe that no man or woman should ever feel powerless or repressed under the control of another, no matter the race. Because I have high expectations that all my children can be successful, adjustments may be necessary because everyone is not the same (Burden, 2017, p. 115). Anti-discrimination laws are there to give minorities protection and justice against discrimination in some of the following, race, disability, gender reassignment, sex, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age. In conflict management, I had experienced a manager to handle the conflict by compromise, the conflict was about that the employee his salary goal not fulfil by his hard working. The importance of accommodating diversity has been persistently high for and supported by people all over America for decades. When an employer understands and values differences among their employees, the company can gain many valuable assets. That 's when I noticed a strange man wearing a dark suit was watching me. Diversity is how many options you have, such as having different varieties to choose from. 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I have learned that discrimination still runs in different forms and. Most of the racial diversity that you see in the workplace is shown at the bottom and middle levels of the workforce. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. Having a group of divergent employees, better prepares a business for interacting with the many different types of customers they will serve. For differences that result from cognitive abilities, learning styles, or developmental stages, the differentiation in delivery style and product styles support students academic, emotional, and social growth. Their female socialization can make them feel like a gender outsider in groups of men., Waldingers and Lichters hiring queues were based on a racial and ethnic hierarchy. There are certain solutions that a company should take to help insure that it creates a more diverse workforce. Within this assessment, I scored a one-hundred and five. I can truly be innocent until proven, Reflective Essay: Diversity In The Workplace. Culture also strongly influences perceptions and expectations. I can use slang and forgo proper English and not have my intelligence questioned. This paper is going to deal with a few of those characteristics. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity. The matter of race is what is most often thought of when diversity in the workplace is the topic. For instance, as a young woman and entry level employee, I will feel more comfortable working in an environment where diversity is promoting. While learning of cultural competence I became aware of all I still needed to learn and experience if I were to become an ethical social worker. This assignment will focus on explaining the importance of diversity management, challenges of management diversity, give strategies and implementation of management diversity in the workplace. There are a number of companies that have been identified by Fortune as the "Best Companies for Minorities." By managing the workplace diversity, companies can increase the overall efficiency that results in higher output. The manager used a three hundred dollars as a bonus to the employee and the money was taken by. Champion these topics with the wider team and actively show support for communities through social media. As I move forward in my studies and life I plan to expand my awareness of recognize my own ethnocentricities and respect the benefits of other cultures diverse values and behaviors. I served eight years on active duty. People might disagree, but in my, opinion, we lack diversity in the workplace because we are not completely accepting our, differences with each other. As a result of this experiment, I was able to have better understanding of what it is like to see the world from another persons point of view. The composition of people from different backgrounds constitutes diversity. Diversity in the workplace encompasses much more than the topic of race. This paper examines Bateman and Snell's research against the case study video entitled "Diversity in Hiring: Candidate Conundrum" to propose that additional examination be conducted to decide whether Robert Gedaliah or Paul Munez was correct in their decision making pertaining to whom to hire for the Outreach Customer Representative position. Just because an immigrant comes to Canada with a workers visa, it doesnt guarantee them an amazing job. Statistics show that the higher in the workplace you go, the whiter it becomes (Seal, 2012). My first job was in the United States Marine Corps. Having an equality and diversity in the organisation send a fair norms for the employees and customers. In human resource management we learn that diversity is a strength to any organization. Age Diversity in the Workplace and that you should respect one another, even if you are from a different race. In a workplace, we can learn from one anothers diversities., Ans: - In the era of globalization, workforce diversity is important. This paper aims to critically explore the key benefits and challenges of managing diversity within the workplace. The diversity in the workplace is essential for meeting needs of clients of health care organizations but, in actuality, Starting with the basic question what is this workplace diversity .It is an environment created by individuals with wide range of characteristics and experiences which may include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, capability, and sexual orientation. I believe that all students can learn and that learning is a lifelong process that can be achieved with students, parents, and the community. Reflection: The Benefits of Workplace Diversity Taylor Reynolds English Department, Southern New Hampshire University English Composition II: Q Professor Jacquelyn Leonardi February 27, 2022 2 Some peer-review feedback I choose to incorporate in my argument included adding quotes from the research I used, getting to the point in my body . Diversity in my own words would be the equal rights for people to get opportunities in the same platform, with the qualifications needed, no matter what race, ethnicity and sex. It is my belief. Focused in its early years on racial equality, the movement widened its scope to include equality based on gender, age, sexual orientation and disabilities. Since the founding of the United States, African Americans have been denied citizenship that was deemed essential to the foundation (Alexander 2010: 1). When the average U.S. citizen thinks of the typical American man, the image of a white, forty-something, financially well-off business executive may come to their mind; in other words, a man of high rank and superiority. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of diversity. 4 DIVERSITY REFLECTION I have not only experienced diversity in my personal life but in my professional life as well. An environment where diversity is respected individuals, and united members. 148). I had never been exposed to any ethnicities, other than my own, until moving to college. As I read this article Sarah Fister Gale explains that there are many reasons why diversity is not always the best thing that a company could have. I visualize myself in a university where I can evolve and stimulate my brain with knowledge and innovation, doing research, creating and inventing. All students deserve to be treated fairly as individuals. For example, there is a low, representation of Hispanics in most health- related occupations. Green, Mayra Lpez, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner2 The main objective of diversity training is to establish workplace harmony by teaching individual's ways in which they can get along better in an environment with diverse work associates. When conflict is managed well, it can lead to improved creativity, innovation, higher-quality decision making, therefore creating a more productive workplace. Although most of time they do it unintentional, they can develop tendencies toward acting in some ways that suggest their subculture is a superior to all others. A diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and marketplace. The harsh reality for many of them is that they will never be able to fully participate in mainstream society and receive the benefits and basic rights that are taken for granted by the rest of the nation. The first day, I met my fellow campers, and I've spent my whole life in diversity. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed. 10. We are different and we have many ways to show that we are unique, ordinary, creative and open minded individuals. Business owners should be able to adapt to various consumers and expand globally. Todays most business primary concern is retaining workforce diversity. The employer will benefit of a business with increased productivity, which retains qualified workforce and can use the varied background experience to deal with day by day business challenges., Despite a vast array of societys attempts to make the workplace equal for all people, discrimination still continues to this day. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. 148). When an employer understands and values differences among their employees, the company can gain many valuable assets. This system of unearned privileges established by white individuals made people of color feel oppressed. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission indicates that it is illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the persons race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability ()., Weldon Latham; John M. Bryson II. 3. He also added that men worked harder but that women worked smarter in the workplace. By providing awareness on how white privilege works and how it can be detrimental in the attempt to gain racial equity for individuals of color, this concept can work to improve racial equity by establishing educational programs that inform individuals on white privilege and ending political policies that serve as a measure to oppress individuals of color., I decided to try to work on myself at least by identifying some of the daily effects of white privilege in my life. For this reflection paper, Public Relations is one of the careers which got my attention, while doing the Focus 2 assessment. Some of the strengths of diversity training for new employees are its ability to create in them a positive idea of the organization and foster the idea of belonging. He was wearing a somewhat ill-fitting dark suit and tie in a rural suburban town on a 95 degree day. Diversity in the Workplace does not just mean different nationality or race, but it includes age, ethnicity, gender, physical ability, and sexual orientation. This multicultural world brings out the potential on improvement and efficient, but also comes with that are the challenges. Reflection Paper #2 - Multicultural Issues Multicultural issues and a . In todays era managers are challenged daily with disputes like ethics, diversity, working in teams, privacy, sexual harassment, and handling differences. Issues of workplace harassment, hostile work environment, oppression, Incorporating Diversity into Professional Practice
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